Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2089 do business

Xiao Gongshan immediately looked at Lin Cuiying, "What else do you have to say now?"

Lin Cuiying said: "If you want to buy it, just buy it, I have nothing to say."

"In this case..." Xiao Zhengchun said: "Then I will go to the tooth shop now, lest the house be bought by others, and then there will be no joy."

Murong Lingran walked to the yard and sat down. It is estimated that there are very few buyers for houses in this kind of village, and they will not be able to sell them for a while, and said, "No, I am here today because there is one more thing I want to do. Ask you, this matter is over, and we have to go back to the capital."

Xiao Zhengchun also knew that she had family in the capital, and it was unrealistic for her to stay here forever, and said, "Aran, just ask whatever you want."

"What I'm asking is what are your plans for the future."

"What are your plans for the future?"

"Yes, you should also know that it is impossible for your family to turn over just by farming and working in the county town. Have you ever thought about doing some business or something?"

"This..." Xiao Zhengchun glanced at his brothers and shook his head at the same time, "No, we've been farming all our lives, and we don't have any business savvy. We didn't dare to take the money your mother helped us with before. To do business, it’s all used to buy land, we only farm the land, and nothing else.”

Murong Lingran knew that they would say this, and said with a smile, "No one is born to do business. If you can't do it, you can learn it. If I am willing to teach you, will you be willing to learn?"

The Xiao family looked at each other and asked them to suddenly do something they had never dealt with before. They were really a little scared.

"If you are willing to learn, as long as the business is good, your family can go back to the previous days, or even better than the previous ones."

Xiao Gongshan said: "Ah Ran, it's not that I belittle my children, they really have never done business. Although you are willing to teach, you also want them to have this talent. I think it's better than you spend It's better to teach them to do business with energy... it's better to..."

Murong Lingran's face sank, and he said coldly, "Why not?"

"You are the county head now." Xiao Gongshan said: "It's not as good as you and A-Niang before, donate a little to us every year, or buy 30 acres of land and give it to us, we will continue to farm and continue to be ours. Little landlord, life will go back to what it used to be, wouldn't it be fine?"

"I'm too old to do heavy work. Your uncles have worked extremely hard these past few years. You can tell by looking at their dark and thin faces. You are their niece. Let them It should be a good day for a few years.”

"Father!" Xiao Zhengchun said excitedly, "Did you forget what I told you before?"

Xiao Gongshan was helpless, so he pouted, "Okay, I won't say it anymore."

Murong Lingran asked Xiao Zhengchun again: "Uncle, do you think so too?"

"No." Xiao Zhengchun hurriedly said: "Aran, don't get me wrong, how could uncle think like this. It's just that I have never done business, and I don't know what business makes money, so when I heard you want me to do business, So it's just a little scary."

Xiao Zhengxia also said: "Yeah, Aran, I am also a little afraid, and we don't know anything, and we are afraid of losing money. In the past, there was a family in the village who went to the county to do business, and they lost more than ten taels in less than a year. We have lost all the money that the family has saved for many years, and we are just worried."

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