Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2129 The clan of Lord Ning'an appeared again

If these four items are passed at the same time, they can enter the palace examination, compete in front of the emperor, and birth the champion, second place and third flower under the witness of the emperor.

At this time, Murong Wei, the granddaughter of Ning'an Hou Ye's cousin, saw Murong Xuan who was waiting in the school grounds, and frowned, "Why are people from Wen Ruilang's family inside? After several times, there is obviously no Murong Xuan."

Her father, Murong Zheng said, "Your Majesty decreed a few days ago that Murong Xuan will be exempted from the rest of the exams and will directly participate in the general exam. You haven't been out these days, and you've been in the house every day, so naturally you don't know."

Murong Wei frowned upon hearing this. She knew that Murong Xuan had been to the military camp of the Marquis of Ning'an, and she heard that his kung fu was as good as his elder brother's, and he was favored by the Marquis of Ning'an.

I also heard that Murong Kuan's scores in the college and township exams were already very good. Now that Murong Xuan is here again, wouldn't her brother have another powerful opponent?

After all, Murong Kuan, who is the younger brother, is so powerful, and Murong Xuan, who is the older brother, must be even more powerful.

Her family was thinking that as long as her eldest brother successfully entered the top three, the Marquis of Ning'an would definitely treat their family differently.

Maybe because the eldest brother helped the Murong family honor their ancestors, he would also let go of his prejudice against them and let the eldest brother inherit his title.

However, he didn't expect that Murong Xuan would suddenly be killed, so the top three positions would be lost by one.

If Murong Xuan knew that Murong Wei looked up to him so much, he would definitely say loudly, "I thank you for looking up to me so much!"

Murong Zheng saw his daughter's sullen face and asked, "What happened to you?"

"Father." Murong Wei said, "Your Majesty is too partial, and it's too unfair. It's not fair to other candidates to let him skip the college and rural exams."

Murong Zheng said: "There is nothing wrong with your majesty doing this. If Murong Xuan is just a sham, he will definitely be compared soon, and he will not be able to enter the palace exam. If he is really talented and capable, then skip it. The academy exam and the township exam are also normal, it’s better than letting a talent bury one, we Xuan Qingguo have always been informal in this regard.”

"But daddy, so the big brother has one more opponent? Don't you worry? If he happens to squeeze the big brother out of the ranking, what should I do?"

"Of course I'm worried, but this is all arranged by His Majesty. How can we have an opinion? Even if we have an opinion, would you dare to say something in front of His Majesty? This kind of thing is not without precedent."

Hearing this, Murong Wei also knew that they couldn't do anything at this time, so she stamped her feet angrily.

Suddenly thinking of something, Murong Wei asked again, "Is there a precedent for this kind of thing before?"

Murong Zheng said: "Of course."

Then he said everything he knew.

Murong Wei nodded meaningfully: "So it is."

Seeing her look like this, Murong Yue next to her asked, "Xiao Wei, did you have a holiday with Murong Xuan? Did he offend you?"

Murong Wei frowned and said, "Cousin, we are having a big holiday with Murong Xuan's family, Murong Zhe's family is obviously just the most lowly scumbags, but in the end, they are favored by the Lord of Ning'an, and we have the same relationship with the Lord of Marquis. People who are related by blood are thrown aside, and everyone will be angry."

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