Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2136 Murong Yue is banned for half a year

Murong Yue seemed to be in great pain, the cry was Pear Blossom and Rain, sobbing: "County Lord, I have no grievances with you, why did you kick me? After kicking me, you dared to do it or not. Saying that I'm going to trip you up,'re simply a wicked person to report first."

Murong Lingran spread out his hands helplessly, "Should I sue the wicked first? This sentence is suitable for you, right? Ask yourself, is it really my wicked who sue first, or are you thieves calling to catch thieves?"

Murong Lian choked for a moment, so she turned her head and asked the Queen Mother: "The Queen Mother, did you really see how it happened just now?"

The queen mother actually saw it, but she wanted to see if Murong Lingran had any way to escape. If she couldn't prove her innocence, then she would speak for her at that time.

"County Lord, do you have any other evidence to prove that Murong Yue deliberately stumbled upon you?"

"Of course."

Murong Lingran said: "Everyone, please look at the place where Murong Yue is covering her calf at this moment, and if I deliberately kick her, I will definitely kick the front of her calf. Since she is still covering the inside of her calf, Looking at it, it's enough to prove that she stretched out her foot on purpose, and only when she stretched out her foot can I kick to the inside."

The queen mother laughed suddenly, she is really a smart girl.

Murong Yue was stunned, instinctively lowered her head and glanced at her hand, she was really still rubbing the inside, and secretly said in her heart: It's over.

The queen mother said: "Yes, as the county owner said, what I saw was Murong Yue sticking out her feet, and the county owner just walked as usual."

Will you suddenly kick her hard if you walk as usual?

Murong Yue sneered in her heart, Murong Lingran must have noticed her feet and kicked her hard on purpose.

Damn, I thought I could teach Murong Lingran a lesson today and destroy her impression in the heart of the eldest princess, but she didn't expect it to be easily resolved by her.

It's just that the eldest princess prefers Murong Lingran, but even the Queen Mother also helped Murong Lingran, which really pissed her off.

The eldest princess was instantly angry and said loudly: "Murongyue, you are so bold, you dare to play tricks in front of the Queen Mother and Ben Gong, do you still put Ben Gong and the Queen Mother in your eyes?"

Murong Yue knelt down immediately, Murong Lian and Murong Wei had no choice but to kneel after seeing this.

Murong Yue said uneasily: "The Empress Dowager, the eldest princess, I...I...I didn't mean it. I also asked the empress dowager and the eldest princess to spare the ministers and daughters once."

The queen mother said: "Aunt, she is a clan of Lord Ning'an, so please deal with her."

"Many thanks to the queen mother." After finishing speaking, the eldest princess turned her head and said coldly: "Murongyue, it is really abhorrent for you to frame Chunling County Lord, but if you think that you are the first offender, this palace will punish you in a small way and get back to you. Home, banned for half a year, and not allowed to go out for half a year. If you let me know that you sneaked out, you will not enter the gate of the palace and the Marquis of Ning'an in the future."

Murong Yue suddenly slumped to the ground and was banned for half a year, which was too long.

But she didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only kowtow respectfully, and said, "Thank you eldest princess for your kindness."

Murong Lian and Murong Wei glanced at her sympathetically, considering that they were unlucky today, they did not expect Murong Yue to be so unlucky.

It's just that the eldest princess has a good memory, she didn't forget who was the first to say that Murong Lingran kicked someone just now.

Murong Lian caught sight of the eldest princess staring at her, and hurriedly admitted her mistake: "I didn't know the truth just now, and I didn't mean to say that the county owner kicked someone, please forgive me."

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