Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2192 killed a Murong Zhe halfway

Hearing the voice, Murong Xiang turned her head and said with concern, "Hong Mao, what's wrong? Let's go!"

Fang Hongmao frowned and said, "Mother, have I missed the title of Houfu in my entire life?"

Murong Xiang said: "Don't think nonsense, what if your grandfather recognizes his son? We don't admit it, then Murong Zhe's title will be inappropriate, and the words will not go well. As long as your grandfather and the eldest princess are gone, then the time comes. By uniting with your grandfather's clan, we can definitely force him to surrender his title."

Fang Hongsheng said, "Mother, is this really possible?"

"Yes, of course."

Fang Hongsheng and Fang Hongmao were finally relieved.

Seeing that her sister had comforted her two nephews, Murong Fei was extremely disdainful.

The third sister is still as whimsical as before, and it is absolutely impossible to unite with her father's clan.

Murong Zong married Prime Minister Suo's own granddaughter, and Murong Zong was the eldest son. In the future, the title of Ning'an Hou's mansion would definitely go to him, and then Prime Minister Suo would definitely help Murong Zhe's family.

Even if Prime Minister Suo can't help, there is still His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty and the eldest princess are relatives, and Murong Zhe is the biological child of the eldest princess, and can be regarded as His Majesty's uncle. Even if his father is gone, His Majesty will definitely fully support Murong Zhe in inheriting the title.

His Majesty said, what else is going on with them?

Geng Yucheng saw that his mother stopped and looked like he was thinking about things seriously, and said, "Mother, Hong Mao and I have the same idea, can I really not inherit the title in the future?"

"Yeah." Murong Fei said: "At present, it is indeed impossible."

Geng Yu's depressed mood was even more depressed.

What he had hoped for for so long, he didn't expect to kill a Murong Zhe halfway, and his hopes were instantly dashed.

Murong Fei said: "Let's go, let's go see your grandmother too, if you don't get it, you won't get it, we didn't offend Murong Zhe as hard as your third aunt before, and Murong Zhe probably won't target us very much in the future. Please please him well, maybe we can still have a good life."

It wasn't all bad for Murong Zhe to come back. Before he came back, so many people were staring at his father's title, and the title might not necessarily fall to her son.

At that time, when the title falls to others, maybe they will take revenge on their family.

For example, Fang Hongmao and Fang Hongsheng.

She had also heard of Murong Zhe's reputation. He was very kind to those scumbags in Lihua Village. Her adoptive mother wanted her life before, but he was still very kind to her grandchildren.

Judging from what she knew about Murong Zhe's temperament, as long as their family was safe and sound, and they didn't make Murong Zhe's family angry, if he inherited the title, he probably wouldn't take revenge on her sister, who was not the same mother.

Geng Yucheng sighed and said, "Okay."

At this time, on the other side, Murong Zhe's family followed Lord Ning'an to Lord Ning'an's courtyard, and one of the servants saw that Lord Hou was coming, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master Hou, lunch is ready, You can take your seat now."

"Benhou understands, you go down."

"Yes, Lord Hou."

After they left, the Marquis of Ning'an and the eldest princess brought Murong Zhe's family to the front of the table full of delicious food.

The Marquis of Ning'an smiled and said, "Azhe, Azhe's wife, and the children, you all sit down, there is Jingxuan in the Changqing Palace to greet us now, let's eat here."

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