Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2304 The clan of Lord Ning'an is here

Fang Geng's family will only be able to eat wowotou in the future.


Two days later, Aunt Jiang and Aunt Li finally found the opportunity to send out the situation of the Marquis of Ning'an at this time.

They thought that the cousins ​​of the Marquis of Ning'an, that is, the lobby brother Murong He, the second cousin Murong Qian, and the third cousin Murong Tao would definitely bring all the clansmen to help them when they found out, but they didn't expect them. As soon as he arrived at the Hou Mansion, he was blocked from the door.

Murong He looked at Wei Jingxuan who was guarding the gate, then glanced at the entire row of Xuanwu guards behind him, and said, "Jingxuan, I heard that there was a big incident in the Ning'an Hou residence, and your grandfather and grandmother have both fallen. , the prince and his wife are also ill, the mansion is in chaos now, we are here to help today, you can let us in."

"Help?" Wei Jingxuan said with an expressionless face, "Then there's no need. Everything is normal in the mansion now. You can go back wherever you came from."

"However, the information in the mansion has been blocked by the order of my aunt and my mother, and no one is allowed to go out. I want to ask, how did you know the internal situation of the Marquis of Ning'an mansion?"

Before Murong He could speak, Murong Qian said, "You want to know? Just put us in if you want to know. After we go in, we will tell you."

"Since you don't want to say it, then forget it." Wei Jingxuan said: "If you don't say it, I can roughly guess it. It is probably the two aunts of my grandfather who told you."

Murong Qian's face suddenly looked ugly, and he thought he had found a breakthrough, but Wei Jingxuan guessed it so easily.

Murong He said: "Jing Xuan, we are really just here to help, you just let us in, we are not here to make trouble, are you guarding us like a thief? Brother is ill, we should come and see him."

"Sorry, I won't let it go, you all go."

Murong Tao said angrily, "Wei Jingxuan, we are all your elders. Your elders want you to get out of the way, do you dare to refuse?"

Wei Jingxuan said: "Of course I dare, I am the leader of His Majesty's Xuanwu Guard, and I only obey His Majesty's orders. Can't you guess the reason why I am here?"

All the clansmen of the Marquis of Ning'an immediately looked at each other.

Murong Qian asked in surprise, "You said that His Majesty asked you to stay here?"

"Of course." Wei Jingxuan suddenly pulled out his saber and said sternly, "I am following His Majesty's will to protect the safety of the Marquis of Ning'an. Starting today, no one will be allowed in. Those who want to enter will be killed without mercy!"

Murong He frowned and said, "Not even our relatives of the Marquis of Ning'an?"

Wei Jingxuan said: "Yes, if you go in, you will resist the decree. You should think about the consequences carefully."

Murong He thought for a moment, then continued to ask: "Okay, I don't have to go in, then tell me, are your grandfather and grandmother really collapsed? Are your uncle and aunt really still unconscious now? There are also Murong Zong and Murong Xuan. Did the three brothers, Murong Kuan and Murong Kuan really fall off the cliff and died? And Murong Yi and Murong Ding, were they also poisoned and are now in a coma?"

Wei Jingxuan said: "It seems that the people who notified you have really put a lot of effort into telling you all about the situation in the Hou Mansion, but don't you think that since you came to question me, you have already been tricked by others?"

Murong He frowned suddenly.

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