Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2354 can live in the academy

Seeing that everyone was making a fuss, Murong Lingran grabbed a few soldiers and said a few words to them, and then let them pass the word.

It didn't take long for the voices of various soldiers to be heard among the victims: "Everyone go to the front of the first row of tents. The county owner of Chunling has something to say to everyone."

Lord of Chunling County?

The disaster victims had also heard the name of Murong Lingran, and knew that Lihua Village became so rich because of her family. The spirit is surrounded by a circle.

It was impossible for thousands of people to hear Murong Lingran speak at the same time, and there were no loudspeakers here.

However, in order to let everyone hear her voice as much as possible, she brought a few tables over and stood on the top, so that everyone could see her.

When they were about to arrive, Murong Lingran said loudly, "Everyone, I'm Murong Lingran. Everyone in the village likes to call me Xiaodongjia. You can call me the same when you see me later."

"I know that everyone came to Lihua Village to survive. Our Lihua Village is also a very inclusive village. We also welcome your presence."

"However, there have never been so many people in Lihua Village. For everyone's sake, here are a few requirements, please abide by them."

"In the future, when it comes to chopping wood, someone will prepare it for you. You just need to pick it up yourself, but don't waste how much you use and how much you pick up."

"The place for cooking is also divided into special areas, which will be unified in one place to cook in the future."

"Later, there will be officials who will ask you to move the tent, please cooperate."

"Also, in the future, please dispose of the rubbish and so on generated by the officials. If you don't listen and are taken away by the officials, don't blame me for not reminding everyone in advance."

Murong Lingran saw that the faces of the people who heard her words were a little subtle, and continued: "I know that among the people present, there must be many old, weak, sick and disabled, including some children and women who are pregnant or confinement. People, huddled in a tent with everyone every day is definitely inconvenient and uncomfortable."

"Everyone must know that there is a future academy in Lihua Village. In order to provide a good environment for the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, I can provide an empty room in the academy for them to rest."

As soon as the voice fell, the people present began to discuss.

"It's really nice to be able to live in the academy."

"Yes, the tent is small and airtight. It is really torture for the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. I didn't expect this county owner to be so benevolent and willing to let us live in the academy."

"This isn't for you, it's for the old, the weak, the sick and the sick. You can't live in if you are young and strong."

"I can't live in, but my daughter-in-law can. My daughter-in-law is seven months pregnant. I'm worried that she won't have a good rest during this time. I didn't expect the county owner to arrange it for us."

"Yes, it's okay for our daughter-in-law to live in, but my daughter-in-law is still confinement."


After listening to everyone's words, Murong Lingran continued: "Everyone, be quiet, I still have something to say."

Everyone immediately quieted down and looked straight at her.

Murong Lingran said: "In the future, the academy's kitchen will be very large, so as long as those who live in it, I will provide three meals a day, including meat and fruit."

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