Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2360 to the future academy

Originally, the villagers were reluctant. Why did they have to chop the firewood that thousands of people needed, but when they heard that they were paid 60 cents a day, they had no objection. Instead, they were very fortunate to be able to was selected.

Seeing that everything was going smoothly here, Murong Lingran and Helian Rongjiu went to the Future Academy to have a look.

When we arrived, twenty women who could cook were already waiting there.

Chang Yongsong came back once in the middle and asked whether the cooks could choose some from the disaster victims and also pay wages. After all, the disaster victims are also idle when they are idle.

Murong Lingran thought about it for a while. The person who asked to cook and do chores could be a disaster victim, but the person who did the cooking must not be a disaster victim. Then they would definitely have other thoughts when they encountered their own family members.

Chang Yongsong felt that it was reasonable, and after getting permission, he went to select half of the victims.

Murong Lingran said a few words to them, and they went to the field to get vegetables.

And soon after they left, the butcher in the village also brought the meat.

Chang Yongsong also came back soon.

As it was about noon, Murong Lingran asked the woman who was cooking for the children to cook the children's meals first, and then free the kitchen for other women to use.

Although it is more convenient to do it together, these children are the hope of Lihua Village and other villages, and they have also paid a bundle of repairs. The meals of the disaster victims are many and mixed, and it takes a lot of time. They are used to that time. For meals, making them wait too long is not good either.

Murong Lingran and Helian Rongjiu also ate with the children. After the children finished eating, they were told to go back to the dormitory when they should go home, and to go home when they should go home. This afternoon's class will be used during the next holiday. Make it up.

After the children left, the women moved very quickly, and the kitchen gradually smelled again.

Helian Rongjiu wanted to listen to the disaster report and inspect the resettlement of the victims. After dinner, he returned to Murong's house, leaving only Murong Lingran and Zequ here.

Murong Lingran sent someone to put those quilts in one place, and if they needed it, she would give them to them, but it was a loan, not a gift.

Not long after, the victims came to the vicinity of the Future Academy. Before entering the door, they saw the magnificent Future Academy, and everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

They have long heard of the name of the future academy, and they heard that it is more beautiful than some of the academies in the city, but they did not expect this to be true.

Some people who have children studying in the future academy are also excited. During this time, they can spend more time with their children.

The closer they got to the Future Academy, the stronger the aroma from the kitchen. They were already hungry, and they suddenly came to their spirits, and their pace couldn't help speeding up.

When he came to the door of the future academy, Rong Fengxu said: "Everyone, this is the future academy. The county owner has already said it very clearly at the beginning, and I will say it again for the last time here."

"First, all the facilities inside must not be damaged, otherwise compensation will be made according to the price, and you will be kicked out of the academy."

"Second, there are classes every day inside. During the day, in addition to being convenient for coming out, try to stay in your own room as much as possible. You cannot stay outside the classroom. If you are found, you will be expelled from the Future Academy. After school, you will come out again. Activity."

"Thirdly, don't bully the students of the future academy, or stay in prison. If you can do this, just follow me."

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