Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2366 trust

A soldier waited for the last person to put the firewood in, and looked at the people who cut the firewood and said: "This morning's fire is over, you can go back and rest for an hour, during this period, eat what you should eat, and rest when you should rest, and after noon is over, I still wait here and continue to chop wood in the afternoon. If my body can’t hold it any longer, tell me in time that if there is an accident due to chopping wood, the imperial court will not be responsible at that time.”

It's just chopping firewood for the whole morning. For these strong men who are used to working in crops, it's nothing at all. They used to chop wood often at home, and they didn't even get tired of going to the fields.

Besides, they still have 60 pennies a day. Even if it is for so much money, they have to persevere. Then they will have the money to go back to build a new house next year, so they all patted their chests and said:

"It's okay, we can hold on."

"Me too, I'm not tired at all."

"I'm not tired, I still have strength."

"Me too."

"And me, and so am I."

The soldier nodded, and after having their names registered, he let them go back to eat.

I was in a hurry to find people just now, and I didn't have time to register their names.

At this time, the soldiers had already set up the tent for the stove, and told some people to cook first, and others to do it later.

Murong stared at it for a long time. Perhaps there were soldiers there, and the victims didn't dare to make trouble. The cooking was going very smoothly. Some people with quick hands and feet had already cooked and started eating.

For convenience, today is the first day, and most people make vegetable porridge. They chop up all the wild vegetables picked in the mountains and put them in the porridge, and just add a little salt.

Only a very small number of people felt that no matter what, they could not treat themselves badly. Anyway, their family conditions were better, so they fried two wild vegetables to eat.

A woman stood in front of the stove and looked at the porridge in the pot with a worried expression: "I don't know if the children really have meat to eat in the future academy, we at least still have hot porridge to eat here, and I don't know. Is the future academy really that good?"

In the past, the imperial court's disaster relief was just to give some white porridge to eat, and it was still very thin white porridge, just like drinking water. This time, the county owner of Chunling said that there was meat to eat, but she still didn't believe it.

The man next to him said: "It's not like the children can't come out. When they come back later, can you just ask them if they don't?"

But it is estimated that they are just unfounded. They know the reputation of the Chunling County Lord, and she should not be able to treat the children badly.

The woman said, "That's right, if the children can't get enough to eat there, then I will cook more every time I cook, so that I won't starve the children."

Murong frowned, is the imperial court so unworthy of their trust?

Just as she was about to step forward to explain, she saw a group of children coming over.

When the four children under the age of twelve saw their parents cooking, they immediately gathered around the man and woman who had just spoken.

"Father, Mother, we're back."

When the woman and the man saw the children came back, they hurriedly asked, "Have you eaten? How did you eat so fast? Are you full? Is there really any meat to eat?"

Originally, according to Murong Lingran's rules, she could take care of the children. Her youngest son was only three years old and needed someone to take care of her.

But if she goes in, her parents-in-law are not yet fifty years old, so they cannot go to the future college.

Her husband was not very good at cooking, so she had to stay and take care of the three of them.

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