Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2409 not easy

"Yes, but this is the place arranged by the imperial court. If you want to stay, you can stay temporarily, but it is impossible for me to continue living with you. If you don't want to stay, your parents' house is in a tent not far away. You can go to them directly."

Zhao shi said with a sad face: "You are going to divorce me because of your brother? Since I was married to you, I have been serving you every day, but you are going to divorce me because of this trivial matter?"

Kang Shun said angrily: "A trivial matter? Do you still think it is a trivial matter? Going hunting in the mountains is a fatal matter. If there is no county owner this time, my brother would have died. I have heard from the people who went with him, they They were forced by tigers to stay in the tree for two days and didn't come down. Do you think it's a big deal?"

Zhao shi frowned and fell silent.

"Okay." Kang Shun said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, just get out of here."

Zhao Shi clenched his fists with both hands and said, "Kang Chengcheng, wait, you dare to break me up and see that my parents' brothers don't interrupt your dog legs!"

Murong Lingran calmed down and said, "Let them come, and I will break the legs of the people who dare to hit the people who work in my home!"

Everyone was stunned at the same time, but they never thought that Murong Lingran would actually support the Kang family.

Zhao shi had no choice. She didn't want to see Kang Chengcheng now, so she ran away angrily with the book of divorce in hand.

When Mr. Zhao was gone, Kang Shuai came to Murong Lingran and said solemnly, "Thank you for the grace of the county lord, if there is no county lord, my second brother would have been in the tiger's mouth by now, I am really grateful. "

Murong Lingran smiled and said: "It's okay, don't worry about it, it's just a matter of hands."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Kangsheng Road again: "Now my field has begun to recruit more people, I'll go to Butler Tong to register later, you've been tired these two days, take a day off today, and you can work tomorrow. My family pays wages once every half a month, and when I have money, I will give you and your eldest brother supplements, buy some delicious food, and thank him for his maintenance today."

Kangsheng Road nodded: "Thank you for the county lord, I will do what the county lord wants."

Murong Lingran didn't stay long, and after saying a few more words, he left the tent area.

Kang Shuai said excitedly, "Second brother, it's done, you can also work in the field."

The two brothers work together, and they can earn a hundred cents a day, which is almost three taels of silver a month. By the spring of next year, they will definitely be able to save enough money to build a house.

Kang Shenglu said with a guilt expression: "Brother, why don't you go find your sister-in-law, it's not easy for you to marry a daughter-in-law."

"Don't take it to your heart." Kang Shucheng said, "Since the younger brothers and sisters went to the Future Academy, she has been very unhappy. Every day when she eats, she complains that I am useless. Eat meat every day."

"She used to abuse them at home. If it weren't for the future college, it would still be a problem whether they would be able to eat enough every day. I would have regretted marrying her long ago."

"This time she dares to force you to go to the mountains. When the younger brothers and sisters grow up, she dares to force them to go. I don't want you to die."

"The Zhao family's reputation is inherently poor. If it wasn't for the congratulations to my seriously ill parents, I would never have married her."

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