Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2442 Ning'an Hou knows

What they didn't know was that Murongzhe's family had been staying in Lihua Village, and now there are many disaster victims in Lihua Village, which is extremely dangerous.

In order to protect his son's family, the Marquis of Ning'an arranged many secret guards in the village, and many people secretly protected Murong Yi.

When Murong Yi was almost silenced, even if Murong Zong and Murong Lingran didn't show up at the time, the secret guards would come out to protect him.

Therefore, what happened to Murong Yi reached the ears of the Marquis of Ning An on the same day.

After knowing that the grandchildren had dealt with the family, he didn't blame the grandchildren for treating the Shi family too lightly. He knew that it was Murong Yi who begged for mercy.

Someone who knew that Murong Yi was the grandson of his Marquis Ning'an still dared to plot against him, and even planned to kill and silence him. This was intolerable.

It's just that an ordinary person doesn't take him Ning Anhou in the eyes, isn't it a joke to spread it out?

Therefore, after returning to their collapsed house, the Shi family were trying to find a place to live, when they were tied in front of the Marquis of Ning An, and the two adults were each given fifty lashes, and then they were all exiled. Go to Lisheng House.

Even if Murong Yi finds out about this and will blame him in the future, he is not afraid, his grandson will never allow anyone to bully him.

Of course, Murong Lingran and the others had no idea about this matter. She was now in the space, looking at the livestock in her little dark room with satisfaction.

It's really good, it won't take long, it is estimated that the things grown in her space can be enough to live in a town for a long time.

Thinking that she hadn't eaten the animals produced by the space, she grabbed a few chickens and planned to cook a delicious meal herself.

At night, everyone in the Murong family smelled the dishes on the table, and their faces showed satisfaction.

Murong Zhe took a mouthful of braised chicken and asked in surprise, "Aran, did you cook today too?"

"Yeah." Murong Lingran nodded with a smile: "Does it feel different from what I ate before?"


Xiao Manan also took a bite of chicken and said with a smile: "Aran, your craftsmanship has improved again. This chicken feels particularly delicious and fresh today."

Murong Zong also said: "Yes, I think so too."

Murong Lingran laughed and said, "Eat more if it's delicious. In the future, as long as I have time, I'll make it for you."

"Then thank you Aran."

After speaking, the family quickly ate.

After eating dinner, Murong Lingran returned to the space, went to the small island in the sky to harvest it immediately, and then fiddled with the black soil for an hour before returning to bed to sleep.

The next day, just after Murong Lingran finished eating breakfast, she heard the servants say that Grandpa and Grandma are here.

Quickly walking to the main room, I saw Xiaoliu sitting beside him. Nanny hugged Xiaosi with a distressed face, and said, "Xiaosi, Nanny heard about what happened yesterday. Are you alright?"

Murong Yi broke free from Grandma's embrace and said nervously, "Grandma, how did you know?"

Hearing the footsteps, Murong Yi turned her head and saw her sister approaching.

Is that what my sister said?

The Hou of Ning'an coughed lightly: "Don't look at your elder sister, this matter has nothing to do with her, the person who stayed in Lihua Village to protect you told me."

Murong was stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that her grandmother had a guard in Lihua Village, and shook her head helplessly.

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