Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2504 Plan to transfer the victims

After he finished speaking, he looked at Rong Da, who had been following them all the time.

Rong Da agreed, and immediately took out ten silver notes of one thousand taels and handed them to Murong Lingran.

"Doctor, please accept it."

Murong nodded and took it, she didn't count, and put it directly into her arms.

The Marquis of Ning An looked at the horses preciously, and said with a smile, "I'll try it later. It happens that there are a lot of prey suddenly. You can also let others pull the goods together and try their strength."

Rong Dao: "Master Hou, do you want to train these horses before trying them out? Before you can understand their temperament, your subordinates are worried that it will be dangerous to try the horses rashly."

The Marquis of Ning'an didn't take it seriously and said, "It's alright, this Marquis is not that fragile, and this Marquis has tamed a lot of wild horses before, so it will be fine."

Rong Da couldn't persuade him when he heard the words. This is indeed a fact. He had to change the saddle and ask others to tie the horses to the trolley. After all, there will be fifty wild boars and hundreds more. The pheasant, if there is a scooter every three ends, there will be a lot of uphill roads on the way back, and a horse may not be able to pull it.

Seeing that Rong Da was busy, Murong Lingran and Ning An Hou went to see those who were carrying food and hunting.

There were only 200 chickens, and the soldiers in the army were good at shooting arrows, and they were all hunted back in no time.

Those wild boars were all placed on the trolley, and the grain was placed on the trolley bag by bag.

Due to the large amount of food, there are dozens of catties in a bag, and it took hundreds of people a long time to move them. Although they were exhausted, everyone enjoyed it.

On the way back, Murong Lingran sat on the black hair and said, "Master Hou, just send these grains to the government office for fifty carts. Now the imperial court also sends grains every once in a while, plus What I sent last time was enough for them to eat for a while. If they don't have enough food in the future, I'll just send them some more."

"Like what I said last night, I want to transfer most of the disaster victims out. Now they are all sent there. Maybe they will be transferred out later. Better in the barracks."

The Marquis of Ning An was stroking the horse's head. He was surprised that the new horse was docile, and nodded when he heard the words: "I'll listen to you, but this horse is really docile. It is estimated that it has been trained before."

Murong smiled and said, "Probably yes."

Therefore, when it was time to go to the fork between the city and the military camp, fifty pallet trucks of grain were transported to the city.

Xue Zhongli had been waiting at the government office. Seeing that there was only 50 pallets of food, he found out after inquiring that the others had gone to the barracks and had no problem.

He counted, and there were ten bags of grain in one pallet, and there were five hundred bags in fifty pallets.

People from the military camp came over early this morning, saying that they would most likely move some of the victims out of the city, and the pressure on disaster relief in the city would be greatly reduced in the future.

The imperial court will also send food from time to time. There are two sources of food, so he should not be short of food in the future.

When the 450 carts of food and meat were all transported back to the barracks, the barracks suddenly boiled over.

They all knew that the Marquis of Ning'an was going to pick up food today, but they didn't expect that they would hunt so many prey and come back. Coupled with the animals that had been raised in captivity, they would not be short of meat for a long time.

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