Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2556 Not following him?

The blue-clothed woman also said, "Hurry up and get out of here. You are no longer from our Fang family. If you don't leave, I will drive you away in a moment."

The woman in green also said, "A person like you is not worthy of being my third sister-in-law, hurry up and get out."

Seeing everyone bullying him, Tang Shi felt very wronged in his heart, but he still managed to hold back his sadness, not letting tears flow, and said, "Your Fang family is really a scoundrel, I married into your family, and I am busy every day from early morning. At night, I basically take care of the work in the fields. Although I ate your family's food, I didn't eat it for nothing. I served your family for three years."

"In the past three years, all of your daily meals have been made by me alone, and even the clothes of your whole family have been washed by me every day."

"My dowry was bought by my parents when they were still alive. There are two quilts, two silver bracelets, two silver hairpins, and four taels of silver for the dowry."

"Since I got married, two silver bracelets and two silver hairpins were given to two sisters-in-law by Lai's, and two quilts were also taken away by Lai's, so I only have one bed."

"The other four taels of silver were all borrowed by Mrs. Lai on the grounds of being sick. You all have to return them to me today."

"I relied on embroidery to buy you clothes for the past three years. I don't want yours, but you must return my own clothes to me. If you don't give them to me, then I won't leave."

As if he had heard some big joke, Mrs. Lai suddenly burst out laughing and said, "Give it back to you? Dreaming! It was said that we spent a lot of money to support you, so why don't you listen."

The blue-clothed woman touched the silver bracelet on her hand and the silver hairpin on her head, and said proudly, "That's right, this is what you promised us at the beginning, and now you're asking us, is it too shameless? We are, that is ours."

Fang Pingtao said, "Get out of here, don't embarrass me here."

" guys, you are really bullying people." Seeing that the other party was so rascal, Tang Shi suddenly burst into tears, "Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo..."

Murong sighed in a sigh, thinking that Tang Shi could do anything good, but he didn't expect to be pinched by the other party.

Ze Yu glanced at Murong Lingran, saw her nodding, and then said, "Enough."

The Fang family followed the sound and saw a large group of soldiers in military uniforms.

Seeing Murong Lingran, Tang Shi also frowned slightly.

Fang Pingtao saw that Murong Lingran was also there, her big dog was also there, and there were many people around him, who seemed to be supporting her, and he immediately shivered: "You, I didn't offend you, why did you follow me? I'm at my house?"

Murong Lingran sat on Heimao's body, did not come down, and said lightly: "You think too much, I am not following you."

Not following him?

Is it...

Fang Pingtao suddenly thought of something, and suddenly rushed towards Tang Shi.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zeyu waved his hand, and the two immediately stopped him in front of Tang Shi.

Fang Pingtao saw that the other party had protected the Tang family, so he could only scolded: "You bitch, this man didn't come with me, he came with you, you hen who can't lay eggs is really seductive. I think this person is your concubine, here to help you, to help you vent your anger, isn't it?"

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