Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2595 Tang Lanlan's Peach Blossom Luck

How is your body lately...

Too much politics lately...

I want to find you too...

I want to be lazy...

I haven't seen you for three months...

Such a big piece of paper, writing these few words, and asking Xuanwuwei to give it to him, is really a waste of money.

Ze Yu sneered and said: "Master usually has a lot of time, it is really rare to be able to write you a letter every two days, you should be considerate of him."

Murong said: "I know."

If she wasn't considerate, she would have said goodbye to him long ago.

After quickly writing the reply and handing it to Zeyu, Murong Lingran said again, "How is Tang Lanlan?"

Coincidentally, maybe God felt that it was really bad for Tang Lanlan before, so he started to make up for her, and Tang Lanlan's real peach blossoms arrived.

At first, she wanted to introduce another good character to Tang Lanlan, and asked many people to pay attention.

If she is willing to remarry, then marry, if not, with the money she gives, she can live a life of care.

I just didn't expect Tang Lanlan to have a crush on her before. She met when she went to sell embroidery, that is, the son of Jinxiu Cloth House in the city, but Tang Lanlan never knew the mind of that son.

The first time that young master met Tang Lanlan, he fell in love with her, but his parents did not allow him to marry a child from a rural family like Tang Lanlan at that time, thinking that they were not in the right family.

And not long after, Tang Lanlan married Fang Pingtao, the son was really sad, so he gave up his mind and devoted himself to running the cloth house. When he was 20 years old, he did not marry a wife.

The son's parents saw that their son was reluctant to get married, and since Tang Lanlan got married, his son had lost weight and regretted it. They also thought of letting their son marry Tang Lanlan, but Tang Lanlan was already married at that time. possible thing.

Not long after Tang Lanlan married Fang Pingtao, the son's parents both died in an accident.

The man had to keep his filial piety for three years, so he no longer wanted to start a family, and he wanted to run a good cloth shop, but every time Tang Lanlan came to sell embroidery, he gave her a few more coins.

And a few days after Tang Lanlan reconciled, the young master accidentally found out that Tang Lanlan had reconciled, so he approached the door and wanted to marry Tang Lanlan.

Tang Lanlan was of course unwilling. She felt that with her status, she was not worthy of his status.

But the young man felt that now was a good opportunity from heaven.

Tang Lanlan left and had no children. His parents also told him when he passed away that as long as he could marry a wife and have children in his life, even if Tang Lanlan lost his husband, he could come to ask for relatives. He had to seize this opportunity. .

A month later, Tang Lanlan was completely moved by the son's persistence and agreed to the son's proposal on the tenth day of the second lunar month.

After three days, the two quickly got married, and Murong Lingran also went to their wedding. After that, Tang Lanlan moved into the son's house with Mrs. Zhang.

The young master knew that Mrs. Zhang was very kind to Tang Lanlan, loved the house and Wu, and respected Mrs. Zhang. He even gave Mrs. Zhang a small courtyard to live alone, and sent several maids to serve her.

As for the money that Murong Lingran gave to Tang Lanlan, she did not let Tang Lanlan tell the young master for the time being.

Although the young man is looking very good to Tang Lanlan now, he doesn't know what will happen in the future.

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