Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2608 Overnight

After passing through a forest, descending a small slope, a wooden country courtyard appeared in front of them.

Zeyu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that their people didn't see anyone nearby. It turned out that the house was downhill.

The little girl stepped forward and knocked on the door, and a woman quickly opened the door. Seeing that there were all men outside, she nervously said, "The house is simple, if you don't dislike it, come in, there are still two rooms in our house. The room, just to be wronged and squeezed."

While the woman was talking, Murong Lingran also looked at the yard. The inside was very simple, with only some farm tools and a set of bamboo tables and chairs. Although it was simple, it was very clean. It could be seen that the owner was a diligent person.

In addition to the wing rooms on the left and right, there are also roads leading to the backyard on the left and right. She saw it when she was at a high place just now. It is estimated that there are wing rooms in the backyard, and the owners should all live in the backyard.

"Thank you auntie, it would be nice to have a place to live in this barren mountain, we don't dislike it."

"Okay, then come in, my yard is big enough to put down your horses and carriages."

"Okay, auntie."

After everyone went in, a man came out of the main room again, saw them, just nodded with them, and walked to the backyard.

The woman hurriedly said: "Don't mind, my man can't speak, and I'm a little afraid of strangers. I treat everyone like this, not against you."

Murong Ling said in surprise: "I take the liberty to ask, what is the reason why he can't speak?"

The woman sighed and said, "Maybe it was born. I heard from his parents that he was born like this."

Naturally, there is nothing she can do about it.

She still doesn't know what the character of the other party is, so she has no plans to ask Changqi Shenjun. After all, Changqi Shenjun's divine power has not yet recovered.

Murong said: "Auntie, please take us to our room."

"Okay, little boy."

After speaking, the woman walked to the house on the right, and quickly opened the door and walked in.

Murong Lingran and Zeyu also followed.

The woman looked at the room and said uncomfortably, "It's just... these two rooms, our family is poor and has nothing of value, but we only have two beds, and we don't have a wardrobe, just hangers. I can give you the quilt in our room later, and we won't be able to take out more."

Murong Lingran said: "Auntie doesn't need to be troublesome, and the quilt is not necessary. We all have quilts, and we are all on the carriage. We have prepared these when we go out."

The woman smiled and said: "That's good, that's good, the layout of the room next door and this room are the same, you can do whatever you want, I still have a child to take care of, you can do it yourself. We also used dinner. Now, if you want to use the kitchen, feel free to use it, and you don't have to worry about causing trouble for us."

"Thank you aunt." After Murong Lingran finished speaking, she took out a small ingot of two taels and continued: "Aunt, these should be considered as our accommodation fees, and I ask my aunt to accept it."

When the woman saw the silver, she quickly refused: "No way, my house is empty and empty, how can I take your money."

After speaking, without waiting for Murong Lingran's reaction, he went straight back to his own room to take care of the children.

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