Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2790 angry queen mother

Murong Lingran said: "Actually, after the assassination incident a few days ago, we all suspected Murong He, Murong Qian, and Murong Tao. As soon as they entered the mansion, I sent someone to monitor them."

So much trouble, in fact, she asked Changqi Shenjun to help her monitor, especially asking Shenjun to focus on monitoring Murong He.

"I see."

Murong Lingran gave Helian Rongjiu a bottle of medicine and said, "This is a hypnotic medicine, if you want to know more about Murong He's making dragon robes, give him a sniff and he will be able to say it. Yes. Of course, let him smell it while he's still awake."

The Marquis of Ning'an looked like he had lingering fears. If his granddaughter hadn't discovered Murong He's conspiracy in time, it was estimated that all the people in his Marquis of Ning'an mansion would be in the prison now.

Even if he had done a lot of merit before, under the charge of rebellion, it would have no effect at all. Now he is in prison, I am afraid it is their family.

Ning Anhou looked at his granddaughter gratefully: "Aran, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, Grandpa wouldn't know what to do today, I'm afraid Grandpa's fame will be ruined in Murong. He's in his hand."

"It's okay, Grandpa." Murong Lingran said seriously, "This is what I should do."

The Hou of Ning'an was instantly relieved, A Ran really was a lucky star in their family.

Helian Rongjiu knew that they had learned too many things today, and he must have been exhausted physically and mentally, and he did not stay for a long time. After saying goodbye to everyone, he returned to the palace.

Soon after, the entire capital knew what Murong He had done, and also knew that Murong Zhe was indeed wronged when he was assigned to Saiyuan Mansion seven years ago.

For a time, most people in the capital were extremely sympathetic to the Marquis of Ning An.

He fought on the battlefield all his life, and he was not calculated by the enemy, but he was calculated to be like that by his own relatives. It was really miserable.

As soon as Helian Rongjiu returned to the palace, he went to the Queen Mother's Palace, where Princess Ningxin was also there.

After listening to what he said, the queen mother was also extremely shocked, and said, "How can Murong He be so vicious, the Marquis of Ning'an and the eldest princess Qihua are in their fifties, and they have lived under other people's calculations for more than thirty years. , it's really tragic."

After Princess Ningxin heard this, her heart was also very heavy, and she said, "Yes, if someone plots against me like this, I will definitely not let him go."

"That's right." The Queen Mother said: "Life is only a few decades, how many thirty years can you have? The lives of Ning'an Hou and Princess Qihua have been ruined, and they have lost their relationship for more than 30 years. Joy, no matter what it is, can’t be replaced.”

After she finished speaking, she said to Helian Rongjiu again: "Emperor, Murong He dares to plot against the heroes of our Xuanqing Kingdom and the royal family, you must punish him severely and make him regret coming to this world. "

"Yes." Princess Ningxin also said: "Such a person is disgusting to live. Brother Huang, you must sentence him to death and cannot let him go."

Helian Rongjiu said: "Don't worry, he made a dragon robe, it must be a death penalty."

Princess Ningxin said again: "And his relatives, you can't let it go. The aunt's family is so miserable. They used to stare at their family's title every day. You must punish them severely."

"Well, I'll think about it carefully."


After Helian Rongjiu left, the Marquis of Ning An looked at Xiao Gongwei and Lin Cuiying's family and said, "You guys can go back too. As for Xiao Zhengdong, we will take good care of him."

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