Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2799 Dilapidated courtyard

If you accidentally piss off your guests, they will be ridiculed.

Although they haven't been a sophomore, they have been in contact.

They have also made trouble with those people, and the lives of those people are not human at all. They just serve guests every day, and they will be troubled.

It's better to let them die than let them do such an angry and unprofitable job.

This is the reaction of some people.

Murong Wei asked, "Cousin, how much is that month?"

Princess Qihua said, "One or two a month."

These people saw her without a son before, but they arranged her behind her back.

Naturally, she won't give them high-paying jobs, as long as they don't starve to death.

She was willing to repay her grievances with virtue in order to accumulate blessings for Xiao Wu outside, and she didn't want the reputation of Ning'an Houfu to be damaged, otherwise she would not be willing to help them.

Murong Wei frowned, how could a tael of silver be enough?

It wasn't enough for her box of rouge gouache before.

They had heard that people working in Lingran's shop in Murong could be paid 22 taels per month, and those working in the fields were also paid 60 pennies a day. Princess Qihua was so stingy that she only paid They have a tael of silver, they are relatives.

Seeing that some people were very unwilling, Princess Qihua said: "If you don't want to do it, then I won't force it. Anyway, some people are rushing to do one or two jobs a month. Find a job yourself."

Murong Qian said to Murong Tao in a low voice, "It seems that we can only accept the job temporarily. If it angered them, maybe they won't even rent the house to us."

Murong Tao said: "Well, one or two counts as one or two. Now the most important thing is to settle down. I just wore a tattered undershirt, but I don't want to be looked down upon on the street."

"that is it."

The two brothers agreed, and nodded at the same time: "Thank you cousin."

Murong Zheng didn't have any opinion. It's enough to have a job now, and the rest can only be thought about later.

What he wanted to do most was actually a teacher, but he was implicated by Murong He, so it was impossible for Xuetang Academy to accept him.

Now that Princess Qihua can support them with their own jobs, he is already content.

Murong Yue, Murong Wei, and Murong Lian clenched their fists at the same time. One tael of silver a month was not enough for the monthly money they used to give their servants. The eldest princess was really too much. One tael of silver might even eat meat every day. Not at all, let alone buying pretty clothes and jewelry.

Although they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything, for fear that others would not help them.

Seeing that they had agreed, Princess Qihua turned around and instructed Mama Zhao to make arrangements.

The Marquis of Ning'an also instructed the housekeeper to find a house for them.

As for Murong Qian and Murong Tao, he couldn't keep them, so he sent them all to the back door temporarily and let them wait there temporarily.

Murong Lingran saw that there was no good show, turned around and went back to his room.

She also anticipated the next development. It was nothing more than that the two families were not satisfied with the house they were looking for and began to complain again.

After the people from the Marquis of Ning'an found the courtyard, they picked them up.

At this time, the two families followed behind the housekeeper, and when they saw the small courtyard in front of them, some people's faces were a little ugly.

It's not for anything else, but the small courtyard in front of me is so dilapidated that it can't even compare to the place where their servants lived before.

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