Xiao Gao gritted his teeth, closed his eyes at Heimao and bent down, "I'm sorry."

After speaking, he quickly stood up straight, lowered his head and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, what I said just now is to bow ten times and apologize ten times. This is only once."

Gao couldn't help but said, "Murong Lingran, both of them belong to the same village, my sister has apologized, don't go too far!"

Murong sneered coldly, and finally couldn't help it, "Excessive? She asked for this, and she agreed to it. No one of us used a knife to force her to agree just now!"


Li Zheng said displeasedly: "This is a matter of the Feng family and the Murong family. Don't let outsiders get involved in it and let them solve it on their own!"

Hearing this, Mr. Gao swallowed the words in his mouth reluctantly.

Xiao Gao's face suddenly turned into a pig's liver color, and Li Zheng was too disrespectful to her.

Black Hair saw her reluctance, and immediately shouted a few more times, "Wang! Wang! Wang!"

I'm bored, tell me now!

Xiao Gao was stunned, knowing that he would only be more embarrassed if he continued to stand still, so he had to bite the bullet and start to bow to Heimao again, apologize, bow, apologize...

After repeating this cycle for nine times, Xiao Gao was exhausted after she said the last word. After all, her waist was not good, and she panted, "This... Is this okay?"

Murong smiled and said with a smile: "Of course, it's alright, can't it be done earlier?"

Xiao Gao glared at her sullenly. Although she hated her very much, she had no choice but to let her husband and son support her and walk away in despair.

This year is the first New Year's Eve that Murong's family returned to the capital after they were assigned. Xiao Manan may not have been home for a long time and always felt that he owed a few children, so he returned home with his daughter and cooked a delicious New Year's Eve dinner for the family. .

However, when my husband and son visited her in the past, they often said that the food cooked by her daughter was delicious, so she basically started the work, taking all the work of washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, etc. on herself, and handing over the responsible part to her. daughter.

Murong Lingran naturally showed off her skills again, and invited the three members of Grandma Sun's family and brother Lu Lezheng.

But today is New Year's Eve, a special day, they all know that they can't disturb other people's family reunion at will, so they declined.

Especially Lu Lezheng, he had never been in the kitchen before and wanted to learn how to cook quickly, so he had already bought meat and vegetables and planned to cook them for his younger brother.

Murong Ling was helpless, so he had to divide some dishes into three portions and send some to each of them.

Because the arrival of the wolf made everyone panic, everyone locked the door after the New Year's Eve dinner, and did not keep the year old, and all went to bed early.

On the first day of the first lunar month, the sky cleared up early in the morning, and because the village was quiet last night, Lihua Village was finally a little lively.

Murong Lingran's family welcomed wave after wave of New Year's greetings early in the morning. They were basically people who worked in their house. I listened to good words all morning. Naturally, she also gave away snacks and candies. All morning.

Fortunately, although there are not many pastries left by her own, there are quite a few pastries from Yuxiangzhai sent by others.

Hearing that it was the pastry from Yuxiangzhai in the capital, all the children happily took it away.

When it was almost time for people to come, Murong Zhe took Xiao Manan and a few children to pay New Year's greetings to Li Zheng.

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