The county magistrate said lightly: "Really? But it's not just him who is suing you, but also his family."

The two were stunned at the same time, Luo Guifang turned to look at the three people behind Murong Ding, and said with a look of astonishment, "His family?"

how is this possible?

"That's right."

Luo Guifang swept over the Murong Lingran siblings and Liu Jiahuai's siblings, and said stunnedly, " are not guests of the Pang family? Are you Wanqianbao's family?"

Murong Lingran sneered: "Is it still called Wan Qianbao? He has already said that his name is Murong Ding countless times, why are you all so persistent? By the way, let me introduce myself formally, I am Murong Ding's eldest sister. Murong Lingran."

Murong Zong said: "I am his eldest brother, Murong Zong."

Liu Jiahuai and Liu Jianian said at the same time, "We are their friends."

Luo Guifang's eyes widened in shock, as if she didn't expect that Wan Qianbao's family had really come here, and said anxiously: " did you find this place?"

Could it be that Wan Qianbao is really a child of a wealthy family, a child of parents, who just got separated from their parents because of an accident?

But Wanqianbao was dressed like a beggar, how could it be a child of a rich family?

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to take him away even if she had ten courage.

"Otherwise, you think that Uncle Pang hasn't returned to Xishan Village for many years. Why did he leave his son Haomiao there after he suddenly went back to see my sixth brother?"

Speaking of this, Murong Lingran was even more angry, and couldn't help clenching his fists, "Do you know, because you took him away without authorization, how much effort did it take for us to find him? If you take him away and treat him kindly, That's all, but why abuse him? He's only five years old, how can you do it? You're so vicious, you don't deserve to be human!"

The county magistrate said coldly, "Wandahe, Luo Guifang, do you agree with what she said?"

Luo Guifang was terrified. If she couldn't find a valid reason today, she might not be able to get out of the yamen's gate.

He rolled his eyes uneasy, and suddenly said: "Sir, what they say is not necessarily true, you must not believe them, they may be pretending to be the family of thousands of treasures, they are only from the Pang family. Guest, you can also see that this child is very pleasing. They may have seen Wanqianbao’s intention to leave Xishan Village, so they pretended to be his brother and sister, and asked the adults to investigate clearly. Don't give them the opportunity to take away thousands of treasures."

"Yes." Wan Dahe hurriedly echoed: "I heard that some people collect handsome children everywhere and sell them to perverts to play with them. They are just strangers who suddenly appeared in Xishan Village, maybe they are from the Pang family. Collusion is good, Wan Qianbao is young, and our family really has no money, they are a little tempted, thinking that life will be better with them in the future, so they will say what they said just now."

Murong Ding said anxiously: "You are talking nonsense, they are obviously my elder brother and elder sister, don't frame them."

Luo Guifang said with a bitter expression: "Qianbao, you must have been injected with ecstasy by them, don't worry, I won't let them take you away. Now that I don't have a son, I can only rely on you. I know that I was too strict with you in the past, I will definitely correct it in the future, and I will definitely treat you well."

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