Murong Liang stopped and said with a sneer, "Now you know what's wrong? You mother and son are really getting more and more courageous, and you dare to plot against Azong without me? Are you happy?"

The corner of Liu's mouth was also smashed, and she burst into tears in pain, sobbing: "Old man, I... I'm also thinking about our future life, and also for your sake?"

"What did you say?"

Seeing that he wanted to listen, Liu hurriedly explained: "You don't even think about it, the elders don't like to see our family at all now, and they don't even give filial piety money during the Chinese New Year, and he will definitely not give it in the future. There are more and more fields in the family, and you can also see that the vegetables in his fields are growing gratifyingly now, and if they sell all of them, they still don’t know how much money they will receive.”

"Azong is the eldest son, and he will definitely inherit most of their family's property. If Azong marries Gai Xiaozhen, who is also Gai Xiaozhu's sister, she will be able to watch her sister live. Isn’t it bad? I will definitely use a lot of money to subsidize my sister. Ah Cai is filial, he is rich, can he still not be filial to us? You won’t have to work in the fields every day, right?”

"I... I just didn't expect that idiot Murong Zhe to put so much land in the name of that dead girl, and I didn't expect that they would refuse so bluntly, that's why Ah Cai was implicated, and I don't want to do that either. Yes."

Murongliang said in a cold tone, "You said that A Zhe is an idiot? I think you are! No, you mother and son are both idiots. You are hopelessly stupid. I want to strangle you to death immediately!"

Murong Qi dissatisfied: "Father, I'm also doing it for the good of the family, why do you say that to us?"

"Yes, old man, we are right!"

Murongliang couldn't help but kicked Murong Qi again, almost not being angered to death: "I still think it's right, you ask yourself, how do you usually treat A Zhe and his family, you are similar to their enemies, and you are calculating other people's sons like this. , If you are A Zhe, can you agree? Your brains are simply pig brains, no, pigs are smarter than you."

The mother and son stopped talking for a while. They also thought that Murong Zhe might not agree, but they couldn't help but want to try it.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, Murong Zong is going to be seventeen years old this year, and he is indeed old. The family conditions are so good that they have not seen each other during the New Year.

If it is true that they can't find a daughter-in-law because they are disgusted by the identity they have been assigned to, wouldn't they be giving help in the snow by doing this today?

Murongliang breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "Liu Guli, I warn you for the last time, from today onwards, if you dare to hide from me again to plot against the eldest family, and let our family become the laughing stock of the village, it will hurt A Zhe's heart, If I cut off the little affection left in his heart for us, I will definitely divorce you, and then sell you far away, so that you will never see Ah Cai for the rest of your life. I will do what I say. Try it!"

Liu Shi's body froze, and she knew that he was really angry. This time, she really didn't take him as the head of the family seriously, her eyes flashed, and she had to temporarily nod obediently: "I... I know, I won't do it in the future. I will."


The three members of Murong Lingran's family left Murong Qi's house and walked directly towards their own house, but as soon as they went out, they saw Murong Zong not far away.

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