Chen shi said with a look of course: "Yes, don't you know that Ninth Young Master? He even knows Jing Zhaoyin, so he should have the power to find someone, right?"

Seeing her whimsy, Murong Lingran said coldly, "If it's useful to find someone from the government, my two younger brothers can still be outside now? My sixth brother didn't get back by someone from the government."

Chen Shi choked, although she was reluctant to admit it, but she knew that what she said had some truth.

After thinking about it, he said again: "It's better than this, you can help me to ask the people from Huwei Escort to find her, okay?"

Murong Zhe glanced at the Chen family with a complicated face. He had also heard from his three sons what Murong Xue had done at the gate of the city. It was a waste of extra time and money, and he didn't want the Chen family to continue pestering them. The son went and called Murong Liang from the ground.

The Chen family had opinions on their family. She would definitely not believe them when they said it. Only Murong Liang could tell her personally.

Murongliang also heard about Chen's plan on the way, so she had no choice but to tell what she had inquired about in the city a few days ago because she missed her daughter and made the house uneasy.

Chen shi's face instantly turned pale after hearing this, and he said in surprise, "Are those words really what A Xue said?"

Murong Liang said solemnly, "What? You don't believe me?"

Chen Shi said: "It's not that I don't believe it, but it's impossible. Axue is always in the field, or she goes to the mountain to pick up firewood. Except for the men in the village, how could she possibly come into contact with what Dad said. Young Master Zhong? She usually blushes when she sees unfamiliar men, and she hasn't even held the man's hand, how could she be so shameless and let that son kiss her face in public?"

Murong Lingran said, "You said that Murong Xue never even held a man's hand? After you came to Lihua Village, is she under your nose for twelve hours a day?"

"Of course not."

"Then she is with your family twelve hours a day again?"

Chen shook his head: "Of course not. When there was no land at home, she and Ah Qing went to the mountains to pick up firewood or pick wild vegetables every day. After Ah Qing went to work on your farm, she would..."

Halfway through, Chen's face suddenly turned ugly.

Murong Lingran said on her behalf, "What happened to her? Grandma was a precious Murong Cai during that time, and she definitely wouldn't want him to go out with Murong Xue. Murong Xue has been going out alone since that time. Later, when you had land in your home, she sometimes went to the land. When there was little work in the land, Grandma would definitely let her go to pick up firewood and come back. At that time, she was still alone. Look, there are countless times when she is not under your nose. , you don't know who she met during this period."

Chen Shi said: "Impossible, she would never be able to privately meet an outsider. Although A Xue is greedy for glory and wealth, she should still have the bottom line of being a human being. If she really knew that son, she would not have been some time ago. I will take the initiative to offer her to see others."

Murong raised an eyebrow and said, "Could it be that you only met after seeing each other?"

Chen shi firmly said: "Impossible."

In any case, she didn't believe her daughter could do such a thing.

Murongliang's face suddenly sank, and he said displeasedly, "Then you mean I lied to you?"

Chen was noncommittal.

Murong Lingran said lightly, "Auntie, you saw how anxious Grandpa was when he knew that Murong Xue didn't come back that night. If it wasn't for what the soldier said, how could Grandpa leave his granddaughter alone? "

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