Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 844: So Many Life-Saving Talismans

Murong Lingran patted his brother's back and said with relief, "Don't be afraid, it's alright, with Sister here, I guarantee you will be fine."

If it is really a last resort, she still has Changqi Shenjun.

After all, Tong Wenwen experienced a danger last time. Although she was afraid, she tried to calm down and said, "Don't be afraid, Sister Wenwen will also protect you."


Seeing that the emotions of the two of them had stabilized, Murong Lingran turned her head to check the battle situation again, but before she had time to stick her head out, she saw a large group of men in black suddenly running towards her.

Seeing that the three people in the distance were too busy to take care of themselves, in a hurry, Murong said: "Wenwen, take Xiaoliu and run to the left."

Tong Wenwen said anxiously, "What about you, miss?"

Murong said calmly, "I'll lead them away."

Tong Wenwen said, "I...I don't want to leave. If I die, I will die with Miss."

"I'm not leaving either." Murong Ding also said, "I want to die and I want to die with my sister!"

Murong Ling was helpless, so he dragged the two of them and started to escape, while running: "Who said we were going to die? We won't die, and their target is not us."


"of course."

She said it very confidently, but when she turned around, the assassins didn't run towards Helian Rongjiu and the others, but rushed straight towards her.

I glanced at the front, and there were all tall and thin trees. At a glance, I couldn't see the end, and there was no place to hide.

Their three children, how can their feet be comparable to those well-trained people?

Sooner or later this will catch up.

"Shenjun Changqi, are you just watching me get into trouble?"

Chang Qi Shenjun said lightly: "It's just a few assassins, you have so many life-saving charms on your body, you don't need me to take action."

"You are too boring. The other party has a lot of people. With my little things, it's okay to deal with a few people. Don't you embarrass me when dealing with a group of people?"

"Don't be so pessimistic. If you can't solve it at one time, you can solve it in several times. Don't worry, I'll give you a plan, and you will be fine today. If it really doesn't work, can you just enter the space?"

"The sky hasn't completely darkened yet, so many people behind me are all staring at me. If I suddenly disappear in front of them, if they all escape alive today, then I will have countless troubles in the future."

"No, they'll just think they're blind."

"Shen Jun, you are going too far. When I get out of danger, I won't find herbs for you to absorb spiritual energy."

"It's okay, the big deal is to postpone the recovery for a few years, decades, or even a hundred years. I wonder if your father's hand will have a chance to wait at that time?"

Murong gritted his teeth, "Hmph, you are ruthless!"

Seeing that she was angry, Changqi Shenjun shook his head helplessly.

This is not dangerous, and she underestimates the Ninth Young Master next to her.

Murong Lingran felt that the footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, her mind was thinking quickly, she suddenly had an idea, let go of Tong Wenwen's hand, quickly sprinkled a handful of powder, and then, in her puzzled eyes, pulled her to run away quickly.

Everyone in the family would take antidote every once in a while, and she wasn't at all worried that the drug Daddy gave would accidentally hurt the two of them.

After a while, she turned her head to look, and saw that there were indeed fewer people in black who had been addicted to the drug, but some were still chasing after her quickly.

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