Liu Run has been lying down for several months. Even if Doctor Chou has no problems, he would have wanted to change doctors for a long time.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you too."

Several other people saw that the two who could call the shots agreed, so it was hard to say anything.

Seeing this, Doctor Chou frowned and roared, "I warn you, Kong Liurun can't stop taking the medicine at will. It will definitely take a lot of time for you to invite other doctors. If it takes a long time to make his condition worse, Don't blame me! At that time, even if you kneel on the ground and beg me, even if you give me more money, I will not save him!"

Kong Darun said: "The doctor's parental heart, Doctor Qiu, as a doctor, how can you talk like this? You have been treated for a few months and you haven't been able to heal well, and Liu Run is not selling it to you. Why don't you let others change doctors?"

"I..." Doctor Qiu was about to speak when the door was knocked again.

Kong Sirun opened the door and saw that they were two men. Before he could speak, he heard Murong Lingran excitedly call from behind, "Father, third brother, why are you here?"

Murong Zhe walked in slowly, and said softly, "I wanted to buy some medicine in the afternoon, so I brought your third brother with me. After I went to Zhiye Zhai, I heard from the guy that you came here, so I also held it and tried it out. I found the idea of ​​trying, and I was idle anyway. I didn’t expect to hear a quarrel here, and I was worried that something happened to you, so I hurried over here.”

Murong Lingran was overjoyed and said excitedly, "Dad, did you hear what we said just now?"


"Then can you go and see Liu Run now, he's only twelve years old. It's really painful to live like this all day."

Murong Zhe smiled and said, "Of course it's possible. If I can't, I'll find Envoy Liu Yuan later."

"Okay, thank you dad."

After Murong Zhe finished speaking, he looked around the people in the yard, saw Doctor Chou carrying a medicine box, and said with a light smile: "This doctor, my medical skills are just average, I just help the children to see Look, if I wait for a while, I can't do anything about it. I'll ask Dr. Qiu to ignore the past suspicions and continue to treat the child. As an apology at that time, I'm willing to pay you ten times the money for the medicine. What do you think? "

When Doctor Chou saw Murong Zhe's clothes and conversation, he knew that he might have two brushes. At first, he wanted to quit and wanted to leave immediately, but when he heard about ten times the cost of medicine, his eyes suddenly straightened. He thought he had no confidence in his medical skills. He just said that just to save face for his daughter. He immediately regained his confidence and said proudly: "Since you said that, then go and see, I don't mind."

Murong Zhe smiled and said, "Okay, thank you."

Kong Hongzhuo hurriedly showed him the way: "Master, this is the room, please."

Murong Zhe nodded his head and asked his eldest son and Kong Hongzhuo to be outside. He called his third son in, closed the door and began to diagnose and treat Kong Liurun.

There was a sudden silence outside the house, and they all stared nervously at the door of the west wing.

Doctor Chou was originally in a happy mood. After all, if the 20 taels of medicine money were increased tenfold, it would be 200 taels, so a large sum of money could be easily obtained, and it made me happy to think about it.

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