"Of course."

"Have you heard about strawberries, a fruit that is extremely famous and delicious, and that many people can't even buy?"

Helian Rongjiu had already guessed what he was thinking, and said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just say it directly, there is no need to talk nonsense here!"

Ju Kaiji saw that he was angry, and said in a panic, "Yes, Your Majesty, Wei Chen means that Zhi Yezhai's vegetables and fruits are so special, and Zhi Yezhai should be asked to hand over the secret recipes and seeds for vegetable and fruit planting, so as to benefit the people of the world. In particular, the strawberry, like the lychee, should be brought under the management of the imperial court and become a tribute for the benefit of the royal family."

Wei Jingxuan suddenly said, "Master Ju is trying to take away Zhi Ye Zhai's livelihood and cut off the livelihood of others?"

Ju Kaiji frowned and said: "Commander Wei, don't talk nonsense, I'm all for the sake of the court, as long as they donate what I said to the court, His Majesty is kind and will naturally not wrong them. Just like people, give them a position in the Shangnong Bureau, and from then on they will be paid by the imperial court. This is a happy event for Guangzong Yaozu and Guangyao’s lintel! For the sake of Xuanqing’s treasury, why not sacrifice themselves?”

Wei Jingxuan said in a cold voice: "What Mr. Hubu said is really high-sounding. Why don't you do such a happy event and let ordinary people do it? Did their family dig your family's ancestral grave? Make you care about other family's business so much. ?"

Ju Kaiji said displeasedly: "Little Huangkou, where is this place, how can you be so rude! Don't think that you are the commander of Xuanwu Guard, so you can be so presumptuous!"

The Minister of Rites, Lord Wei, frowned and said: "Jing Xuan, above the court, you must not be rude."

Wei Jingxuan said lightly: "Father, I just have to say something, or I will keep holding it back, and I will feel uncomfortable."

Lord Wei glanced at the emperor on the dragon chair, and seeing that he also wanted to hear, he had to go with him.

Wei Jingxuan said: "Master Ju, you keep saying that it is for the sake of Xuanqing and the treasury. The treasury is under your jurisdiction. If you want to bring Zhi Yezhai back to the imperial court, then you have received your hand. Do you dare to say that you have no selfishness in doing this?"

Ju Kaiji's eyes flickered with guilt, and his waist was not straight as before, and he was quite lacking in confidence: "You...you are talking nonsense, I really think for the sake of the court, I want to increase some income for the court, and I want His Majesty You can enjoy the best food without any worries.”

Wei Jingxuan sneered and said, "If you really want to increase revenue for the state treasury, as the Minister of the Household, shouldn't you lead by yourself? As far as I know, there is a tea garden under the name of Lord Ju, and I will accompany the family with your tea. People buy one tael of tea for twenty taels of silver. Also, your wife owns a cloth shop, and I heard that the cheapest woven cloth costs ten taels of silver. Since you are thinking of the national treasury, How about taking the lead in ordering an official for the imperial court, and taking the lead in handing over the business of tea and cloth to the treasury?"

Ju Kaiji was suddenly shocked. The tea and cloth business was the most profitable business for their family. How could they be handed over?

"You kid, Hugh, how can tea and cloth be compared with vegetables and fruits?"

Wei Jingxuan said indifferently: "What's incomparable? Isn't it all about making money? Ye Zhai suddenly appeared overnight. I also helped His Majesty to do research, and all I earned was hard-earned money, which is comparable to your tea. The cloth business will make money quickly? If you want to return to the imperial court, why do you have to hand over your tea cloth business first?"

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