Seeing his sister looking straight at him beside him, Murong Zong said a few words to her in a low voice, then turned his head and said, "You guys are not bad either, I'm a few years older than you, so it's not surprising that I'm better than you in kung fu. Yes, if you practice more, your kung fu will get better."

Although not as good as his kung fu, the housekeeping is enough.

Kong Darun nodded: "Well, we will practice more in the future."

After speaking, Murong Lingran brought back a lot of dishes, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, the little master is a guest, but let you prepare so many dishes. Let's cook, you rest first."

Seeing that he was about to leave with a basket in his hand, Murong said: "No, I have a question for you."

"Just ask the little boss."

"How much money can you earn by performing arts every day?"

Kong Darun said slowly: "It depends on luck and the weather. Sometimes it is possible to meet generous people, one or two taels a day, but there are very few such people. Sometimes bad luck is like encountering troublemakers during this time. Dahu, you can't earn a single copper a day, and you can't earn it even if it rains or the weather is too hot. If everything goes well, most of the days you earn two or three hundred cents a day, sometimes even dozens of cents a day, so on average, it's down to a month. , at most, about ten taels of silver."

Saying that, he touched his head embarrassedly, "So, if Brother Zhuo hadn't used all the moon silver to help us, and we also pawned a lot of things he bought us before, I'm afraid we won't have any food to eat. There is no money to give Doctor Chou twenty taels, and Liurun may not be able to insist on your coming."

Murong raised his eyebrows, no wonder they were all skinny. There wasn't even any decent furniture in this yard or house, and they probably sold them all out.

I am afraid that every time they give out the 20 taels of medicine money, they will not have much money left. Even if they have leftovers, they will not dare to use them indiscriminately. .

"So, even if the six of you are performing arts at the same time, on average, one person will only earn one or two dollars a month."


Murong Lingran glanced at his elder brother, then at his father. Seeing that they nodded at the same time, he told them his thoughts.

Kong Darun said in shock: "Little master, do you want us to be your family's guards? Also... that is, to provide jobs for all of us?"


Kong Darun hesitated and said, "But... but our skills are so poor, and none of the five of us are the opponents of the small club, and we may be incompetent."

Murong Zong raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he really gave them a big blow just now.

"Don't be so unconfident, and you are not protecting me, but people in my family who don't know martial arts. Don't worry about me, your kung fu is really enough."

Since the last time Dad gave Aran a self-defense drug after her birthday, the third brother has also been clamoring for it.

Dad felt that it would not hurt to have more life-saving charms on them, so he made some for everyone in the family, and everyone put them on them, so the family members now have some basic self-protection ability.

Of course, the higher the guard's skills, the better, but it can't be better than his master. Once they have some bad thoughts, he can't hold back.

Kong Darun and his younger brothers glanced at each other. Indeed, they rarely encountered opponents in the city. Even if there were more than 20 people besieging them on the opposite side, they were not afraid.

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