Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 884 is a bit stingy

Helian Rongjiu nodded, "Exactly."

"Then what happened to him?"

"Let's not say that he assassinated you and me, raising a killer is no different from rebelling. This one is enough to get him beheaded by raiding his house, not to mention the other evil things he has done in the past. There is only one way to end. As for his family, And because he has benefited a lot, he has also lost a lot of lives on his hands, and all of them have been disposed of. Households are searched, heads are beheaded, and exiles are exiled. Within the three clans, regardless of gender, age, or child, there is no one. spared."

Murong Lingran suddenly sighed: "How can there be such a person, just for the sake of some food, so painstakingly and solitary, in the end he lost his whole family, is my food really that delicious?"

Helian Rongjiu shook his head: "He's not just for food, if you hand over your seeds and planting methods to him, he will definitely have more fields and more hands than you, and will sell them to the entire Xuanqing Kingdom. , or to a neighboring country, the money is not a small sum."

"It's really human beings for money and birds for food and death, but if he knows that my seeds are not unlimited, I can't buy them at any time, and the person who sold them to me can't appear at any time. What I sold to me is just enough for me to grow, not enough to realize his grand dream, and I don't know what the expression will be."

She is telling the truth, she has too many things to copy, and the same bottle is not big, sometimes she forgets to put a new one in when she is busy, and it often arrives in the middle of the night.

Changqi Shenjun has been in retreat a lot recently, so he couldn't help her much.

Now the situation at home is much better. For the sake of some seeds, getting up in the middle of the night to change the seeds is too harmful and not worth it. She is still growing.

Helian Rongjiu raised her eyebrows, so it was.

Although he was curious about who sold her seeds, but with her temperament, she would definitely be the same as before, making excuses to refuse, so he didn't ask.

"I've already said what I should say now. You should always say what you said could affect the livelihood of the people of Xuanqing Kingdom, right?"

"Let's not talk about this for now." Murong Lingran suddenly looked at him a little embarrassedly, his voice was much softer than before, and slowly said: "Ninth Young Master, I planted lychees in the capital, is it a great achievement? ?"

Helian Rongjiu instantly understood what she meant and said with a smile, "Yes."

Murong Lingran lowered his head, index finger to index finger, hesitantly said: "Then... the emperor has nothing to say to... my family?"

Helian Rongjiu asked back, "What should the emperor say?"

Murong said: "I heard Daddy say that I don't know which of the first emperors gave the order, no matter who it is, as long as it can make lychee come to fruition in the capital, that person will be rewarded heavily."

Helian Rongjiu said solemnly, "Is there such a thing? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You're young, and it's normal that you haven't heard of it. You'll know when you go back and ask your parents. But whether it's the case or not, it's a good thing for me to grow lychees now. In the future, local officials in the south will no longer have to work the people and waste money. It was delivered, saving him so much money, but he didn't even think about rewarding me, it's too stingy, don't you think?"

Helian Rongjiu coughed lightly: "I'm a little stingy, why don't I go back and remind him?"

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