Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 900 She did it on purpose

Murong Lingran sneered, "Are you admitting that you tripped Xiaoya?"

"I didn't trip, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing that Murong Lingran's face was extremely cold, Mrs. Chen knew that she was definitely going to vent her anger on Chang Xiaoya today, so she hurriedly said, "A Ran, A Xue has such a temper, she is your cousin after all, she is far away You have been at home for so long, and you have suffered outside again, and you are not in a good mood, so don't care about an outsider like her."

Murong Lingran ignored her for a while, and suddenly turned around and shouted, "Black hair."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone felt that a black shadow flashed by in front of them, and before they could react, a woman's scream suddenly came from their ears.

Everyone was shocked, and when they looked at the sound, they saw that Murong Xue, who was standing just now, was lying on the ground like a dog eating shit.

And the man next to her who was flirting with her just now actually hid behind the guard, looking at the black hair back to Murong Lingran's side, tremblingly said: "This...what kind of beast is this? It's so huge, It's scary. Why don't you tie it up and let it come out to be scary?"

Murong Xue glanced at her man. Although she was very dissatisfied that he didn't protect her, she didn't dare to say anything to complain. She resisted the pain and stood up, only to find that her clothes were also covered with dust, and some places were still covered with dust. Worn out, she was trembling all over with anger: "Ah! This is one of my favorite clothes, I just wore it today, and it turned out to be like this, I didn't bring any change of clothes, so I still How to wear it, I'm pissed off."

Seeing this, her man hurried to her side, and before she could speak, she saw her cross her waist and said, "Murong Lingran, this is all a good deed by your black hair, you compensate me for new clothes!"

Murong Lingran smiled and looked at Chen's family: "Auntie, you just told me not to care about outsiders and my cousin, Murong Xue. You should also talk about your daughter and tell her not to be like me for a dog. Does my cousin care about it?"

When Chen Shi choked, the dead girl used her own words to block her again. She had to look at her daughter and said helplessly: "Axue, Aran is right, don't bother with her."

"Auntie." Murong Xue stomped her feet angrily, "She did it on purpose, how could you help her speak!"

Murong Lingran asked back: "Didn't you do it on purpose just now? Grandpa can say that he personally saw you trip over Xiaoya. As your grandfather, could he still find trouble and wrong you? Is it any good for him to wrong you?"

"And the black hair is not my order. Everyone can see how it appeared just now. Everyone present can testify. I just called its name. It has always liked my master. I called it, I was excited for a while, it came out faster, and wanted to circle around me, because you were too close to me, and you fell to the ground in fear of its huge body, what does it have to do with me?"

Murong Xue clenched her fists: "You are still arguing."

"Why am I arguing? You are stupid, otherwise why didn't anyone else fall, but you fell?"

Murong Xue was angry, this dead girl is still as annoying as before, and she actually humiliated her in public. She glanced behind her with fierce eyes, and gritted her teeth: "Come here, catch her for me, I will teach her personally!"

The four guards behind him responded immediately: "Yes."

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