Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 902 What face do you have in my house?

"When did I say that?"

"Isn't it just now?"

Murong Lingran said innocently: "Just now? Oh, yes, I said that just now, what I said is that I won't pay you any money, that means I won't pay you any money, you are a teenager. Can't you understand?"

Murong Xue suddenly became angry: "You are playing a rascal!"

"Whatever you say, Dad, let's go back."


After Murong Lingran finished speaking, she ignored her and took the lead to go home.

Murong Xue wanted to stop her, but Heimao kept staring at her, so she could only look at the man beside her.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly said, "Everyone, please stay."

Murong Zhe frowned and said, "What else do you have? Also, who are you?"

The man coughed lightly and began to introduce himself seriously: "I'm sorry, Shi Gaoyang, the history of the history book, Gao Fengliangjie Gao, the proud Yang is the youngest son of Shi Xingping, the minister of officials, because he has no interest in officialdom, so he has been I'm doing business, I've heard about Ye Zhai's name for a long time, and I'm here to visit today."

The youngest son of Shi Xingping, Minister of Rites?

Murong Lingran glanced at Murong Xue, she was lucky, she found a rich man as she wished, no wonder she also smelled of copper.

Murong Zhe said lightly: "I'm Murong Zhe, if there is nothing else, please come back."

Shi Xingping hurriedly said: "There is something, of course there is something, I wonder if I can go in and talk?"

"If you have something important to do at home today, let's avoid it."

Murong Xue frowned and said, "Uncle, you don't want to see the monk's face but also the Buddha's face, right? Young Master came to visit you, but he came with a gift, so you won't even let you in?"

Murong Zong said with a sullen face: "Murong Xue, what kind of identity are you? Grandpa didn't say anything, so you are a junior to question my father?"

"I...did I say something wrong?"

"What kind of face do you have in my house? You and I are well aware of the relationship between you and our family. The nonsense I've talked to you here has already counted as your face, don't give face shame. If you don't leave, don't blame me for not doing it. polite!"

Murong Xue said: "I... I think you are shameless. The son's father is the Minister of Officials. Don't you understand what the Minister of Officials is? He is in charge of the selection of officials. Whoever he wants to be an official, then Anyone can be an official, if you offend him, you will never want to enter officialdom in the future!"

As she said that, she suddenly straightened her waist and sneered, "Oh, by the way, I forgot, you have been assigned, and you cannot participate in the imperial examinations within three generations, so naturally you cannot serve in the imperial court. Official, no wonder you are so rude to the son, because you know that you will not be able to enter the court in your life, so you broke the pot?"

Murong Zhe frowned suddenly.

Murong Zong looked gloomy and said, "Murong Xue, do you have the guts to say it again?"

"Let's just say, I am now a member of the official family, and you are only worthy of being ordinary people in this life. Only for being trampled under my feet!"

Shi Gaoyang glared at Murong Xue displeased when he heard the words, but Murong Xue was just joking and didn't notice his face at all.

"Murong Xue, don't think that I'll be afraid of you if you bring a man back. In terms of identity, I'm your cousin, and it's just right to teach the younger sister who has committed crimes. If you dare to talk nonsense like this, I'll give you a little color today. have a look!"

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