Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 904 You can participate in the imperial examination

As soon as the words fell, Eunuch De and the people behind Ze Yuan quickly removed all the things on the carriages, opened them, and placed them in front of Murong Zhe's family. Xiao Manan for them to count.

The people present looked at the things that the emperor had bestowed, and all but Shi Gaoyang opened their mouths in surprise.

Not to mention the land deeds and cloths, just the one hundred taels of gold and several boxes of jewelry, under the scorching sun, their eyes could hardly be opened.

The villagers of Lihua Village had never seen so much money in their lives, and it was given by the emperor, and their eyes were about to fall out of shock.

Moreover, Murong Zhe has also been banned, and the Murong family is really going to flourish.

Murong Zhe was also shocked. He thought that there were only some rewards, but he didn't expect His Majesty to make him an official directly?

Although Wen Ruilang is a casual official and has no official position, for them now, it is also the supreme glory.

But he obviously did nothing!

Turning to look at her daughter, she saw a heavy sigh of relief, as if the big stone in her heart had finally fallen.

Murong Zhe understood something instantly, and said in a complicated mood, "Aran, you did all of this, I'm just a waste, I didn't help you at all, you are the one who deserves the greatest honor. "

Xiao Manan and his sons didn't see Murong Lingran's relieved look just now, thinking that Murong Zhe said this because he was afraid that she would be angry, and looked at her worriedly.

Murong said sternly, "Father, don't say that, you're not a waste. If it wasn't for your medicine that saved him when we first met Ninth Young Master, he wouldn't have helped us like that."

"Also, everything I do comes from your support. If you didn't allow me to plant the fields at first, and didn't agree with me to toss those fields, I wouldn't be able to plant so many things. So, Your Majesty's reward is a little bit. There is no problem, you don't have to worry about it."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care that Eunuch De and Zeyuan were still in front of him, and said, "Father, we have been assigned, until the truth is revealed, the brothers will not be able to participate in the imperial examination, but the descendants of Xuanqing officials But there are no such constraints. Big brother and the others will be able to participate in the imperial examinations freely in the future. Your Majesty must have taken this into consideration. After all, I am just talking about a lot of things. A great hero in the family, isn't this much more beneficial than rewarding me alone?"

She was speaking the truth. When she first met Ninth Young Master, she still said that she would not save him.

She was not surprised at all that her father was banned.

Food is the foundation of a country, and for a country, it is very important.

This is a major event that has merit in the future, and it is impossible for the emperor to ignore the capable people who can grow high-yield grains.

The three Murong Zong brothers were stunned for a moment, but they were both surprised and happy when they reacted.

Murong Zhe said with relief: "Aran, think so far, how can Dad thank you..."

Murong Lingran smiled and said: "No need to thank you, this is what a daughter should do. Didn't your Majesty reward you with so many things? I just hope that Dad still leaves it all to me."

"That's too simple, as it should be."

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