Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 914 not your granddaughter-in-law

"Also." Li Zheng said lightly, "You know that Mo Erkang's family has a good relationship with Murong Zhe's family. You should also know a little about Murong Zhe's temperament. You must know that you dare to avoid the autumn tax like this. Mr. Guan, do you think he will report you for making the court less taxed?"

Gao was stunned for a moment. She didn't know whether Murong Zhe would report her, but Murong Zhe knew, and Murong Lingran definitely knew, she would definitely go, then she would definitely go to jail again. Even if she doesn't go, she will be pinched in her hand again in the future.

Knowing that this road would definitely not work, I stomped my feet, didn't even say hello to Li Zheng, and walked away with a gloomy face.

After Mr. Gao left, Mrs. Mi, Li Zheng's wife, looked at her leaving back with contempt: "This person is too thick-skinned. He treated people so viciously last year, and now he still wants to make a lot of money from them. Do her Spring and Autumn Dream!"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "Okay, don't be angry, she has been retributed now, His Majesty is also a smart person, he didn't directly order the whole village to be exempted from taxation, he must have thought of someone like her, but he just didn't want to give it to the Gao family. This guy takes advantage."

Mi Shi nodded: "It seems that our emperor is really a wise man..."

Back at home, Mr. Gao gave Mo Erkang's house a sullen look, went back to his room, and started to get sullen.

When Mr. Gao was angry, the whole room was covered with a cloud of darkness.

At the same time, there was the same cloudy house as Mo's house and Murong Qi's house.

As soon as he got home, Shi Gaoyang immediately changed his face, and he no longer had the kindness he had towards Murong Xue outside.

Murong Xue wasn't as close to him as he was outside, she stood beside her tremblingly, not daring to let out any air.

She knew that when Shi Gaoyang was in a good mood, he was really good to her. As long as it didn't touch his bottom line, even if she asked him to pick the stars and moons from the sky for her, he would always smile.

But if he is angry outside, and he is angry, if she talks to him without knowing the importance, what awaits her is only hell-like punishment.

Thinking of the punishment she received when she made mistakes in the past, she involuntarily touched the area where she was injured before, and her brows furrowed.

Liu Shi didn't have time to pay attention to what Shi Gaoyang looked like, looked at the box that the person behind him was holding, and said cheekily, "Grandson-in-law, if Murong Zhe doesn't accept the money, you can give it to me, just take it. It's to honor my old lady. Anyway, you're so rich, so capable, and your status is so honorable, so you're not short of money, right?"

Shi Gaoyang glanced at her coldly, and said mockingly, "Old lady, don't yell, I'm not your granddaughter-in-law. Your granddaughter is just a maid of mine, and you're not worthy of being my grandmother. "

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the servants beside him: "Give me the money, so as not to be remembered by people with ulterior motives, my money is not from the wind, and 10,000 taels of silver is not a small amount."

"Yes, master."

After the man finished speaking, he held the box tighter.

Murong Liang glanced at Murong Xue, who was silent beside him, then turned to look at Shi Gaoyang, frowning: "Since you have nothing to do with our family, then you are not qualified to stay here anymore, get out of here immediately, This is my home, and you are not welcome in our home."

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