Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 974: Falling into the Lake

This is Murong Xiang and Murong Fei's natal family, on their territory, I'm afraid they won't let their family leave easily today.

"The secret cannot be revealed. With your ability, you should be able to escape easily. Don't worry."

Murong nodded and followed behind his brother with a serious face.

As soon as she walked to the side of those servants, just when she was thinking about how these people would use to calculate her, a servant saw her walking to her side, and suddenly closed his eyes and fell on her.

Could it be the most common method used by a wealthy family, intending to ruin her innocence?

To her right is a lake. If she doesn't react in time, she will definitely fall into the lake in his arms.

Although she is very interested in the fish in the lake, she really wants to go down and catch some fish and keep them in the space. She can also swim, but she doesn't know how deep the water is below and whether there are any other creatures.

Now that the weather is slowly getting colder, she will definitely get sick if she goes down.

The most important thing is that she is a guest. If she falls, it will be too embarrassing, and it will definitely make people laugh.

And she doesn't know how the person's water is. If he is very good, what he wants to do to her in the water is easy.

So in order to minimize her own damage, Murong Lingran saw the man fall towards her, sneered, and suddenly took a step forward quickly, easily dodging the man's body.

The man didn't hit the set target, but instead fell straight to the lake because of inertia, instinctively wanted to grab the person next to him, and wanted to stabilize his body.

Seeing that his hand was about to touch her, Murong Lingran quickly took a step back and avoided his claws.

With a bang, the man fell into the lake.

Helian Rongjiu, who was walking at the front, turned around from time to time to see if Murong Lingran was following, so she happened to see a series of actions from her just now.

After she stood firm, she hurried forward and said, "Girl, how is it? Are you alright?"

Murong Ding also looked at her worriedly.

Murong shook his head, "I don't have anything at all, don't worry, it's the person below who has something."

Just now, Murong Zong was behind her and saw the whole process. He frowned and said, "Aran, is he..."

"Help!" Everyone turned their heads and saw that the man who fell into the water had been ups and downs with the water, and shouted loudly: "Help, I can't swim, help me."

Murong Lingran: "..."

Can't swim and choose to harm people by the lake?

Or is it pretending to hide his ulterior purpose?

Seeing this, the servants who were with the person who fell into the water hurriedly jumped into the water and quickly picked up the person.

At this moment, because it is not far from the Changqing Palace, it seems that there is a voice calling for help here, and a large group of people suddenly came from the side.

As soon as the Marquis of Ning An came over, he happened to see the person who fell into the water being rescued.

Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Geng were among them, and saw Murong Lingran staying on the shore intact, and at the same time staring unwillingly at the person being supported.

It's useless to do such a small thing well.

The Marquis of Ning'an frowned and said, "What's going on here?"

Murong Zong was worried that the Marquis of Ning'an would blame their family for their influence on his birthday banquet, and he quickly explained: "Marquis, it's like this, we were walking along the river just now, when we came to this person. , he suddenly..."

Murong Zhe and Xiao Manan also brought Murong Xuan and Murong Kuan over, and when they heard this, they quickly looked at Murong Lingran: "Aran, are you alright?"

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