If these are sold out, I don't know how much they can sell for.

Suddenly thinking of something, Murong Lingran asked again: "Shen Jun, can I separate the three of them in different waters?"

"Are you worried that their children will be eaten by each other?"


"Don't worry, the water is the most delicious food for them, and they won't eat anything else."

Murong Lingran was stunned and said: "This water is so magical?"

"Of course, God's things, don't use your mortal knowledge to think about it."


She was indeed despised again.

That's all, it's not the first time she's been despised by this arrogant god, she's used to it.

Although there are enough fish, shrimps and crabs in the water now, because Dad and Big Brother haven't come back, she will not play their ideas for the time being, and let them live for two more days.

After going to the black soil for a while, he left the space and went to prepare dinner.

What she didn't know was that that night, a few vigorous black shadows flew out of a magnificent house one after another, and flew directly into the city in two directions.

It didn't take long for the Fang family and the Geng family to jump around.

Fang Shunian was resting in the concubine's room, when he heard the report, he didn't even have time to put on his pants, he quickly went to the door to open the door, and said in shock, "What did you say? The eldest and second young masters were beaten? They How could you be beaten in your own house?"

The servant said anxiously: "It's true, you can see it when you go to see it. Now the person has passed out, and on the way the servants came, someone has already asked the government doctor, and now the government doctor may have rushed over."

Fang Shunian also knew that it was impossible for the servants in the house to deceive him, so he quickly dressed and went to see the two children.

The two people's courtyards were next to each other. Fang Shunian went to see Fang Hongsheng first. As soon as he arrived, the government doctor came out. Seeing him coming, he explained Fang Hongsheng's situation with a solemn expression.

"Master, the second young master is not life-threatening. Although there are signs of being beaten on his body, they are all flesh wounds. There are many wounds on the whole body from sharp weapons. Fortunately, there is nothing on the face, and there is no disfigurement. The disciples bandaged him. The reason for fainting should be that he was too frightened. When he wakes up, drink some medicine, and he will be fine for half a month. "

Hearing that Fang Hongsheng's life was not in danger, Fang Shunian breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he didn't bother to ask how the person was injured, and quickly took the doctor to the house of the eldest son Fang Hongmao.

And Fang Hongmao's injury is actually the same as his brother, and even the location of the injury is exactly the same.

The government doctor didn't waste much time, and after letting the disciple bandage, he went down to boil the medicine.

Fang Shunian was about to go out and ask what happened to the servant when Fang Hongmao woke up weakly.

Seeing someone beside the bed and thinking of the figure he just saw, Fang Hongmao immediately screamed.


Fang Shunian said solemnly, "It's me."

Hearing the familiar voice, Fang Hongmao's fearful voice stopped abruptly, his eyes were red, and he said incoherently: "Father, I...you...you...you must avenge me."

"Don't panic, there's no one else here now. I'm afraid that if this happens, I'm still not a man? Calm down and tell me what happened just now."

Fang Hongmao looked at the room and saw that there were a lot of guards, so he felt relieved and told what he had just encountered.

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