Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 995 Your Highness is kind

"I grew up with the eldest and second misses, and I have given them many baths. When they were born, they had nothing on their bodies, and now the moles on their bodies will grow later."

The maid said in amazement, "So that's how it turns out, the slaves thought that people's moles were born at birth."

Mother Zhao said again: "So, if you want to say something in the future, you'd better think about it clearly. If you don't understand something, you should ask it, so as not to make a joke and make a big disaster, you know? It's also the kindness of Your Highness. If you are in other people's hands Before you say this, watch your tongue."

Thinking of what she said just now, the maid nodded and knelt down to the eldest princess: "Your Highness forgives your sins, it's all because of the ignorance of the slaves and maids who made a joke."

The eldest princess said lightly: "It's okay, just pay attention in the future."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness. This servant will be cautious in her words and deeds in the future."


After Murong Lingran went out the door, he went directly to Lizheng's house, but before he got to Lizheng's house, he heard shrill cries coming from inside.

I walked over and saw that a lot of people had gathered inside. As far as I could see, everyone's faces were very solemn, and the atmosphere was very serious.

There was a man and a woman kneeling on the ground. In her impression, they seemed to have been living in the city all the time. All the children were taken away. They seldom returned to Lihua Village, so they did not work in her home. very familiar.

I only know that the man's surname is Zhuang, and he seems to be a relative of Lizheng. He is of the same generation as Zhuang Qing, and his name is Zhuang Qinglu. The woman's surname is Yang, and his name is Yang Li.

Murong Lingran knew that it wasn't a coincidence that he came here today, and was about to turn around and leave silently. When he came back in the afternoon or tomorrow, he heard Mrs Mi shout, "Little Master."

Everyone turned their heads at the same time and saw Murong Lingran coming, and most of them also shouted: "The little master is here."

For the reputation of Murong Zhewen Swiss franc, since Murong Lingran said last time that anyone can go to open up wasteland, basically every household in the village has a wasteland in their home.

Some people have a holiday with their family, but no one has trouble with money.

And now the Murong family is no longer the Murong family who just came to Lihua Village, Murong Zhe is still Wen Ruilang, and there are high-yielding seeds in the family, as long as they have a little brains, they will not offend their family.

Of course, there are those who can't handle it clearly, including Gao's son, Mo Ershan.

Mo Ershan knew that the Murong family was in a hurry to open up the land and desperately needed manpower, so he and the brothers Feng Jifang and Murong Lingran proposed to increase the price to 100 cents per day, otherwise they would not do it.

Unexpectedly, Murong Lingran had already said hello to Tong Xiuming and Xia Shi, saying that everyone in the village could come to work, except for the three of them.

After they found out, although they were not convinced, they thought of their own mother's fate, so they had to walk away in despair, and they made a big joke at that time.

Therefore, although most of the people who can gather at Lizheng's house are old, weak, sick, and disabled, there are people in the family who work in her fields, so it's okay to call her "little master".

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Murong Lingran had no choice but to walk over and said lightly, "Well, I want to find Grandpa Lizheng for something."

Li Zheng said, "Aran, what's the matter with you?"

Murong Lingran glanced at the person with tears on the ground, and said sternly: "Grandpa Lizheng, you can settle the matter here first. My matter is not urgent, and it's okay to take a while."

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