"I... I was the first to be rescued? I learned... the three-dimensional vortex! Su Mian... Su Mian is very good, I want to worship her as a teacher, she is the best I have ever seen... …Special forces!"

When he spoke, his expression was particularly exaggerated, with a mouthful of white teeth that took up half of his face. It's not like the kind of person whose expression will become stiff and numb after being soaked in water for too long.

While dancing and talking happily, for fear that everyone would not believe it.

The military doctor and a few nurses were busy checking him up, they didn't pay attention to what he had done, and there was no time to think about what he said.

The other special forces also surrounded him, thinking that he was too excited because he was rescued and saw the sun again.

This is normal, life and death are just a thin line. A ray of darkness, a ray of light, a ray of hell, a ray of heaven.

Xu Haowen squinted his eyes.

He was thinking about what the soldier said just now.

Xu Haowen's double business is far above ordinary people. A few words or even nonsense that others think are unnutritive. When he reaches him, he only needs to regroup a little to understand what he wants to express.

At the critical moment of life and death, Su Mian rescued him. He was grateful and praised Su Mian for nothing.

But the last meaning is that he wants to worship Su Mian as his teacher. Su Mian is the best special soldier, which is a bit intriguing.

A person was pulled back from the brink of death.

Apart from gratitude, what he wanted to express most was something that really touched the depths of his soul.

Thinking of this, Xu Haowen pushed aside the crowd, strode to the now calm soldier, and asked slowly, "You just said you want to worship Su Mian as a teacher? Why?"

The special soldier's eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn't care about the rank, he grabbed Xu Haowen's hand with one hand, and someone finally got his spot!

He actually wanted to express this!

The special forces couldn't restrain their inner joy, so they improved and perfected the three-dimensional vortex under the vortex, like Balabala pouring beans into a bamboo tube, and said to Xu Haowen in one breath.

Xu Haowen originally smiled like a fox, but after listening to him, the smile on his face has completely disappeared, and even his brows are frowned.

The special soldier also smiled, with a look of confusion, "Did I say something wrong?"

Several other special forces booed around.

"Thank you for bragging next time, be serious, you treat us as three-year-old kids, who is so easy to improve technology at that time!"

"That is, the three-dimensional vortex theory is the essence summarized by Chief Luo for more than ten years. No matter how great Su Mian is, it is impossible to improve in such a short period of time. He also improved and improved his wool!"

"Yes, I think you are holding your breath for too long and you have hallucinations! Hurry up and take a few more breaths of fresh air, go back and sleep well, don't think about it!"

"It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone, there's nothing to listen to, this cliff is the most unqualified awesome I have ever heard!"

The special forces looked aggrieved and wanted to continue to explain, but everyone turned around and was busy with each other, and no one wanted to continue listening.

Only Xu Haowen, standing not far from him, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if thinking about what he could say.

At this moment, in the distance, there was another clatter on the river, and he came up with the boy vigorously!

The military doctor and a few nurses were ready for a long time, "Quickly, let everyone give in, don't stand in the way, and carry the child here!"

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