"Head Zhao, what's the trouble with you, frowning face, tell me to make my brother happy!"

When Zhao Long turned around, he saw the two battalion commanders running over with a smile on their faces.

There are always people who are gloating and falling into trouble.

These two guys have been at odds with Zhao Long, and if they can come so kindly to comfort him today, it must be his joke!

However, Zhao Long is a boring gourd, usually serious, and his company commanders dare not make jokes with him, let alone give him advice on encounters.

At this time, when Zhao Long saw the two battalion commanders, he felt like seeing his relatives.

"It's really something, tell you two!" Zhao Long is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor. These two guys have given Wei Zhenhui a bad idea.

However, at this juncture, he could only talk to the two of them, and Zhao Long told the request of Commander Luo!

A battalion commander was so angry that he slapped his head straight, "Hey, I'm going, Commander Zhao, I thought you were worried about getting married. It turned out that Commander Luo's requirements have risen! It's so unkind, this kind of old man , Don't worry about it!"

"That's right." The second battalion commander curled his lips. "Luo Fang is as worthy of force as the dominatrix. Anyone who dares to marry, he is still a treasure! No more, Commander Zhao, you take the opportunity to change to a gentle and virtuous one, I think. Xu Shilan is not bad!"


After Zhao Long listened, his face turned dark.

The second battalion commander rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "No, Commander Zhao, if you disagree, don't worry. Don't get me wrong, the first battalion commander and I will help you find a solution instead of helping you first!"

"That's right, Commander Zhao, there is a stone table over there. Our three brothers will go over and study them! You can't cure Commander Luo if you don't believe it!"

A battalion commander dragged Zhao Long and walked forward.

The three sat down and discussed for half an hour, and the battalion commander patted the table, "How about? Commander Zhao, plan 15, so it's settled, now it's up to you to have the courage!"

Zhao Long really took it.

He really took a look at these two goods today!

This idea, just one eyeball as soon as you turn.

He denied the first 14 items, and he felt feasible for the last one!

"Leader Zhao, give me a message, you just have to make a decision, and our brothers will go through the fire and water for you!"

The second battalion commander nodded, "Yes, what the first battalion commander meant is what I meant!"

Zhao Long really had no choice.

Luo Fang was so anxious that the two battalion commanders were right, there is no such shop after passing this village!

Zhao Long gritted his teeth and agreed!


Luo Xingwang's office!


"Come in!"

Luo Xingwang looked up and saw that it was Zhao Long, then he chuckled, "I haven't congratulated the leader Zhao for being promoted yet, I would like to congratulate him first."

Zhao Long's mouth twitched, how did he discover that Luo Xingwang was so good at acting.

It sounds as if he knew he had mentioned the regimental leader the first day, and saw him the first day.

In the camp, I couldn't run into it three or five times any day, and I didn't even hear him say a word of congratulations.

"Thank you Commander Luo."

"Sit and stand? What do you want me to do?"

"It's a little thing!" Zhao Long still looks straight, he didn't move, and he didn't even mean to sit down!

Army Commander Luo didn't let it go anymore, so he stood up from the back of the office, walked to Zhao Long, and said kindly, "Let's talk, what's the matter."

"I'm here today to ask Commander Luo to fulfill the promise!" Zhao Long said with full anger.

Luo Xingwang was taken aback for a moment.

The family meeting is over, Luo Fang hasn't explained to this kid yet!

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