Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 1971: I'm looking for my daughter-in-law

Zhao Long rushed out of Luo Xingwang's office and ran to Luofang's dormitory.

Luo Fang still looked sad at this time.

Gao Yang and a few are helping her.

"Don't you two learn from Bai Xue and Jiang Yi, steal out your household registration, and get the certificate secretly. It's hard to say that Commander Luo can only agree at that time. He can still make you two divorce unsuccessful? You are a military marriage!"

Luo Fang shook his head listlessly, "My dad put the household registration book in his pocket!"


Cao Wei gritted her teeth, "Sergeant Luo is guarding your hand!"

Gao Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, "It really doesn't work, you can get a grandson for Commander Luo, and see if he agrees!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Shilan couldn't help but rubbing the words, "Commander Zhao and Luo Fang are both special forces. This is a small gathering, and when they are pregnant, maybe Commander Luo should agree too!"


"Neither does this, nor does that work, then what should I do?" Gao Yangzhen was anxious for Luo Fang and Zhao Long.

Luo Fang shook his head listlessly!

What can I do?

Cold chant!

And with Zhao Long's wood, what good way can he think of?

The so-called asking her to wait for him is probably to perfunct her!

"Chief, this is a girls' dormitory, you can't go in!"

"I'm looking for my daughter-in-law!"

"Chief, where is your daughter-in-law? All the little girls who live here are unmarried!"

"We will get married at the end of the year!"

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he rushed in. The little girls couldn't stop him at all!

Zhao Long rushed into the dormitory and swept around, finally locked on the target, and carried Luo Fang and ran out!


"Head Zhao, where are you carrying people?"

Gao Yang wanted to chase it out, but was stopped by Cao Wei, "I'm so happy without seeing Zhao Long, it's done!"

"Ah, it's done? How did it happen?"

Luo Fang was also dumbfounded, the sun was shining bright outside, and the military area was full of soldiers walking in twos and threes.

Zhao Long carried his personal stride like flying, and immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

In broad daylight, in the camp, this man is so courageous!

All who saw them paid attention to both of them!

"Wipe, what's the situation? Look over there, who, who is too courageous, in broad daylight, even carrying female soldiers running around!"

"Aren't I blind? Isn't this the head of Zhao Longzhao who has just been promoted to the head of the Southern Military Region? Yesterday, he was squeezed by his wife holding hands. Today is suddenly so open. Why is this irritated!"

"Blind my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, this person is really Zhao Long?"

Luo Fang was carried by Zhao Long, so she would be embarrassed.

"Zhao Long, what are you doing? Quickly let me down, so many people are watching!" Luo Fang punched and kicked, but Zhao Long just didn't let go, he ran faster and faster.

It is not at this speed even with a load of 50 kg off-road!

"Zhao Long, why are you crazy? Quickly let me down!" Luo Fang beat him hard behind his back, Zhao Long's speed unabated.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm not crazy, I'm just happy, you make me happy for a while!"


Isn't this person crazy?

I was happy to carry her and ran three laps around the camp!

It's good now, they both become the celebrities of the Western Military Region!

Luo Fang is just that no matter how careless he is, he will not have the face to see people in the Western Military Region from now on!

"Zhao Long, let me go! What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Long was tired from running, so he put the person down and laughed, "Daughter-in-law, let's get married in the Gregorian calendar!"

Luo Fangfeng stared wide, "You... are you telling the truth?"

Zhao Long quickly pecked her lips, "Really, the two battalion commanders helped me figure out a trick, and finally took your father down!"

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