"Yes, Su Mian, kick the ball to Commander Jing, Commander Jing should have a headache this time!"

"Look at Jing Xin'er's expression, and Commander Jing definitely didn't tell her about this!"

"Going back to Jing Xin'er must have a big fight!"

Su Mian didn't care about the rest.

In the distance, Jing Xiangqiu saw the matter from beginning to end.

She really didn't expect that her niece would do such a thing while carrying someone on her back!

Luo Fang was right, this is because the Jing family did not teach well, and Jing Xin'er did shame her father's face!

In contrast, Su Mian.

When Jing Xin'er said such awful things, the little girl was neither angry nor annoyed.

He was neither humble nor overbearing, and he dismissed Jing Xin'er in a few words.

Jing Xin'er didn't get a bargain, but she still cried and went back to question Jing Liangping!

Obviously he had followed Su Mian's way, and he didn't know it yet.

This is the gap.

Jing Xiangqiu did not expect that Su Mian, who was indifferent and indifferent, would have such a freely flying side.

At that moment, she seemed to see the shadow of her younger sister when she was young.

Her younger sister Jing Xiangwan is such a woman who survived her life.

Married at the age of 20, gave birth to a child and divorced.

Without family, children, and men, her life was not as eclipsed as people expected, and she was not depressed like other women whose marriages failed.

She devoted all her time and energy to her work and made her what she is today.

At this moment, Jing Xiangqiu was even more certain that Su Mian had a relationship with the Jing family!

Jing Xin'er ran and turned a corner, and met Jing Xiangqiu, who had been waiting for her a long time ago.


Jing Xin'er froze for a moment, and stopped abruptly.

Isn't the aunt in the military hospital very busy? Why is she here this time?

"Unexpectedly, I would be here?" Jing Xiangqiu's sharp eyes rolled around Jing Xin'er several times, "Jing Xin'er, I thought you would change, you disappointed me too much!"

Auntie, have you seen everything?

See her to find fault?

Seeing her being bullied, didn't show up?

She is still not Jing's family, how can she watch her own niece being bullied, so she is indifferent?

Jing Xin'er was so wronged that tears flowed out.

"Auntie, you don't know, they bullied me in partnership. They said that Jing's tutor was not good, and they said..."


Jing Xiangqiu interrupted her with one mouthful. She never dreamed that Jing Xin'er was used to such a virtue by the old man and the old lady!

Actually still learn to tell right and wrong!

What happened just now was obviously that Jing Xiner had nothing to look for and was beaten back.

"I didn't miss a word of the matter just now. I don't want to listen to your sophistry! Jing Xin'er, I hope you can do it for yourself. But remember one thing, your life is given by Su Mian. People must have conscience to do it when they live. The sky is watching!"

Jing Xiangqiu left without expression after speaking.

She didn't want to waste a bit of affection on Jing Xin'er!

"Auntie, I was wrong, I changed it, I really changed this time, please believe me!" Jing Xiner ran a few steps to catch up with Jing Xiangqiu.

Jing Xiangqiu stopped and let her hold her arms, but didn't look at her, "Jing Xin'er, it's not your fault that you are like this today, it's because your grandpa and your grandma didn't teach you well."

Jing Xin'er couldn't hear it yet, Jing Xiangqiu was really angry!

"Auntie, give me another chance. Please, give me another chance, I will definitely correct it!"

In Jing's family, she can't offend her aunt if she offends anyone!

Jing Xiangqiu just faintly said the word "good", then turned and left.

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