Two tables of male soldiers, one table of female soldiers!

The male soldier was drinking hotly, and the female soldier had a battalion commander who didn't know where to get two bottles of red wine. Everyone except Su Mian poured a glass.

"Su Mian, don't you really taste it?" Luo Fang asked tentatively, "This red wine is still imported, and it tastes good!"

Gao Yang smiled and slapped Luo Fang's arm, "Aren't you professional and irritating?"

Su Mian's head shook like a rattle, and Wei Zhenhui's gaze could be felt when she raised her head. She promised Wei Zhenhui that she would never drink!

Several people saw Su Mian staring at Wei Zhenhui's small eyes, and suddenly laughed.

"Their male soldiers think that the Great Demon King is afraid of you. As everyone knows, we Su Mian are also afraid of the Great Demon!"

Su Mian pursed his lips and smiled.

"Su Mian, you talk about it, don't you just pour a drink when you drink? You go to bed after drinking, why the big devil keeps you from letting you drink it!"

Xu Shilan didn't understand Su Mian, and after a glass of wine, her temper became alive.


If it’s okay to sleep alone, the most terrifying thing is that Su Mian doesn’t go to bed after drinking, drinking crazy, and being different from others!

Luo Fang happily said, "She, after drinking and being crazy, no one can cure her!"

Except for the big devil!

Luo Fang knew that when Su Mian married the Great Demon King last year, the first battalion commander and the second battalion commander learned from them!

No wonder the big devil didn't let Su Mian drink!

I called my brother-in-law to drink this drink, and it is estimated that few men can stand it!

"Okay! You can't stop your mouth even when you eat, you have to talk nonsense, and let them drunk Head Zhao in a while!" Su Mian put a piece of chicken **** on Luo Fang's plate after finishing talking!

Luo Fang, a foodie, specializes in places that no one wants to eat, such as chicken paws, chicken necks and chicken bottoms!

In this era, materials are scarce, and everyone likes to eat meat in chunks, but with few bones.

Therefore, Luo Fang is an alternative!

In future generations, it will be Luo Fang's way of eating, so eating goods is leading the trend of the times!

Wei Zhenhui eagerly watched others push the cup and change the cup, not to mention feeling sad.

He clicked his mouth twice, and finally took a sip of boiled water.

Brothers are full of pride, he is pouring and drinking!

A battalion commander knew he was uncomfortable, so he secretly took a glass of wine and put it in front of him, "Master, my sister-in-law can't see it, I'll help you block it, you take a sip, take a sip, and wash up when you go back, my sister-in-law can't smell it!"


Wei Zhenhui stared at the glass of wine without moving.

The second battalion commander snatched it over and shouted directly, "First battalion commander, what are you doing? Secretly hand the commander a glass of wine. Be careful, I tell my sister-in-law to go!"


Oops, my brain!

Everyone is sitting in the same room, don't the second battalion commander know how loud he is?

Do you still need to tell?

Sister-in-law heard everything, okay?

Su Mian glanced over at that table!

Especially Su Mian, his eyes were like radar, and the commander of the battalion trembled.

He stood up and grabbed the wine glass in the hands of the second battalion commander. "Second battalion commander, you are not right. You just quarreled without seeing clearly. I poured this glass of wine for myself. I'm going to the female soldier. Toast, none of you stop me!"

In the second battalion commander's suspicion and consternation gaze, the first battalion commander went to the female soldier's table with a glass of wine!

What else?

You must fill the pits you dug yourself when you kneel down! (Niaoye’s heartfelt voice, don’t ask me why?)

"It's so full, a battalion commander can really fight!"

"A battalion commander has a good drink!"

"It's awesome, no wonder the female soldiers are willing to deal with him, this is the feeling of drinking and drinking!"

There is a rule for male soldiers to treat female soldiers with wine. The male soldiers have to sip all the wine in the glass!

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