After the two battalion commanders took Su Jinlong out of the car, they walked towards the small woods in the north of the Western Military Region.

The National Day holiday will start tomorrow, and all night training will be cancelled, and I left at night when I was close to home, so the huge military area suddenly became very quiet.

Su Jin’s Totoro’s **** followed them both, “A battalion commander, are you sure we’re going to the movies? How do I feel like being a thief!”

The second battalion commander covered his mouth and smiled, "You'll know when you get there. Actually, there are almost no thiefs!"

Su Jinlong listened more and more confused, "In our village, if you want to talk about watching movies, men, women and children all come out, and you can hear the movement and see the curtain from far away. It's so dark here, there is no movement at all, are you two? misremembered!"

"Don't worry, you can't go wrong!"

A battalion commander led the two of them in front, the formation was S-shaped, and the investigative technology used was unique to the special forces!

Is it easy to watch a small movie?

Su Jinlong also opened his mouth to ask. As soon as the battalion commander turned around, he covered his mouth with one hand, "Don't talk, the movie has already started, pay attention to concealment, direction at one o'clock!"

After a battalion commander finished speaking, he first found a favorable terrain.

It is said that it is a favorable terrain, but in fact, there is a bush in the front to block the body, and there is an open space in the back for easy escape.

Advance can attack, retreat can defend.

The second battalion commander also quickly found a good location, lying one meter away next to the first battalion commander.

Su Jinlong looked dumbfounded.

In any case, it's like investigating behind enemy lines.

When he looked in the direction of 1 o'clock, his face was flushed!

Damn it.

"Then... isn't that Chief Zhao? What did he do by pressing a female soldier on a tree?"


A battalion commander touched the back of his head, Su Jinlong's mind!

The second battalion commander tugged at his sleeve and said, "What are you talking about, hurry up and get down. Commander Zhao is also a man, and he has time to rise! Besides, it's his wife who is holding it. Just press it. What's the fuss about you!"

Just press it?

Su Jinlong's mind that couldn't turn around is even more messy!

"Head of Zhao...usually...isn't that the kind of thing? Today, I drank too much, so why did I become so active?"

Su Jinlong stammered nervously!

He remembered that when he came to the Western Military Region a few days ago, he heard them say that Luo Fang took the initiative to hold Commander Zhao's hand.

Then head Zhao is still awkward, the boss is reluctant!

Now, what's going on?

"Watch well, learn something, you can use it for dating in the future!" After a battalion commander ignored Su Jinlong, he grabbed a piece of grass and chewed it in his mouth, resting his cheek with one hand, very leisurely.

That way, it's more comfortable than watching a movie!

"Zhao Long, what are you doing? Are you letting go of me? I haven't settled with you yet?" Luo Fang was so angry that Zhao Long actually told the gang about something between them.

How will she see people in the future!

Is she shameless?

Zhao Long's two arms fixed Luo Fang firmly, but he didn't let go.

"Daughter-in-law, if you say you are not angry, I will let you go!"

"I don't, I'm angry, I'm very angry, I'm very angry!" Luo Fang is going to explode!

Women are not the same as men. Women's private affairs will never be shared with others, they will only rot in their stomachs.

Zhao Long is not bad, I told others about the location for the first time!

"Daughter-in-law!" Zhao Long whispered in a low voice, his long and narrow eyes were dyed a little drunk and shining brightly.

His voice was even more husky, and Luo Fang suddenly felt that he was being teased by this man.

Then he coughed unnaturally, "What do you want me to do?"

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