Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2001: You also open a small shop

Zhang Jie and He Qin sat at a table and greeted both the female relatives of the Wei family and the Su family.

Zhang Jie's two sisters and Su Mian's three aunts were all at this table, they were all real relatives, so Zhang Jie didn't say anything behind his back.

She and He Qin haven't seen each other for half a year, and they have been inquiring about life in the provincial capital with He Qin for these two days.

"Sister-in-law, you see that I'm fine at home now, or I can work for your hot pot restaurant. I can't do anything else. It's okay to wash vegetables and serve dishes!" Zhang Jie said half-jokingly.

He Qin happily, Zhang Jie was embarrassed to speak up because of something happened.

If others don't say, even Wei Zhenhui can't let Zhang Jie work for others, let alone washing vegetables and serving dishes!

"Just talk nonsense, I don't want to let a few children learn from you in the provincial capital. You can also open a small shop. When the time comes, invite two people, and you can relax yourself!"

When Zhang Jie heard it, her eyes suddenly brightened. That was what she meant, and it was not easy to talk to Su Mian directly.

She knew that the Su family was able to have today, it was all Su Mian's credit.

"Wei Youshan should retire, right?" He Qin understood what was going on when he thought about it.

"No, I will retire at the end of the year. You see that we are both young and healthy now. I want to go to the provincial capital and find some work, not far from Xingcun. The boss asked today, shall we go to the capital? Now that I don’t know anyone, I discussed with Old Wei that instead of going to the capital, I want to go to the provincial capital!"

The Su family mixed up well in the provincial capital, and she was jealous a long time ago.

The furniture city that Su Jianghai opened in the provincial capital has a wide variety of products, and all the furniture made is exported!

Yesterday I heard that a few foreigners went to the provincial capital to find Su Jianghai to make a big order.

He Qin’s ‘First in the World’ hot pot restaurant is also one of the best in the provincial capital!

She thought, if she did something, it would be better than farming.

He Qin doesn't understand the truth.

"Looking back, I asked Su Mian and Wei Zhenhui, they both had ideas. With Wei Youshan's retreat, you two have time, so who will bring children for the second child?"

Zhang Jie leaned in He Qin's ear and whispered, "When the child gets older, Liu Hailian wants to follow Zhenming to the capital. My mother and I will switch to the band."


He Qin nodded, that's good.

It’s good for Liu Hailian to follow Wei Zhenming to see the world outside, so as not to look petty.

In the past two months, Wei Zhenming made money, and Liu Hailian was rewarded.

Working in the ground is a good one, and cooking and taking children is also a good hand.

Zhang Jie informed her yesterday, and this time she plans to live a good life with Wei Zhenming.

"Sister-in-law, don't forget to tell Su Mian about this!" Zhang Jie was anxious, she wanted to do a small business, and when Wei Youshan retired, the two went straight to the provincial capital.

"Now reform and opening up, there are many opportunities. Don't worry, Su Mian will definitely be able to help you figure out a way!"

The Su family's life is booming now, and they have to help the Wei family because of their emotions and reasons.

Zhang Jie has this heart.

He Qin remembered that Zhang Jie didn't care when Su's family went to the provincial capital, and said that if the provincial capital was untenable, he would return to Xingcun.

Now that the Su family has a firm foothold and made money, how can she sit still?

Liu Hailian greeted Su Mian and a few female soldiers, not to mention, don't look at Liu Hailian's low culture, and he is a perfect match for Wei Zhenming in dealing with people and things.

I greet Luo Fang with warmth and thoughtfulness, as if they had changed people. This is not the old Liu Hailian who hid in the kang and ate melon seeds!

Su Mian couldn't help but glanced at Liu Hailian a few more times.

If Liu Hailian learns this way, this person can still be saved.

At this time, someone knocked at the back door, "Su Mian, someone is looking for you!"

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