Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2006: I think you have a guilty conscience

Uncle Liu said neither humble nor overbearing, and raised his hand to return the photo to Shang Guilan, "A few broken photos came and screamed, I advise you to take your photos and leave quickly, our family does not welcome unreasonable people!"

Shang Guilan shuddered with anger, "You say that whoever makes trouble unreasonably makes you make trouble unreasonably. Isn't this photo evidence?"

These rural people, what's going on.

I really can't communicate with them!

Seeing that his mother was wronged, Jing Xin'er was immediately annoyed, and pinched her waist to the station, "Why are you pushing us away, I think you are guilty of conscience! We have travelled all the way to the Northeast, just to seek justice with you." The evidence is here, you must give my mother an explanation today!"

Everyone's speech is a bit like Jing Xiner's leaning.

"Yeah, watching the two mothers slack in the dust, they should have rushed a lot!"

"The woman is quite excited, and it is 80% real. But, can this photo be considered evidence?"

"It looks so alike, it should be okay!"

Su Mian hasn't spoken, she has been sorting out her thoughts.

One thing she can be sure of is that Su Jianghai must be her dad!

Jing Xiangqiu does have unusual feelings for her.

Su Mian walked up to Jing Xin'er and looked at the mother and daughter, "You said the photos are evidence. Yes, I admit that Commander Jing did look like Su Jinlong when he was young, but what does that mean? They look alike in the world. There are too many people, and I haven't seen anyone recognize relatives.

You keep saying, let us give your mother justice, why should we give her justice?

If Xiaolong and I are really the children of Commander Jing, and your Jing family hasn't been indifferent for so many years, I haven't asked you for support and mental damage!

You have lived a life of fine clothes and food since you were young, so why should Xiaolong and I live in the countryside?

Commander Jing was indifferent to his children in 19 years, he really did it!

I think his career has come to an end!

Besides, Jing Xin'er, are you a three-year-old child? I found the Northeast with just one photo, saying that Xiaolong and I are your father’s children. I really admire your perseverance.

Does your dad know?

Jing Xin'er, you are a soldier and you are highly educated. You don’t know that there is a technique called paternity testing!

If you have to insist that Xiaolong and I are the children of Commander Jing, you can call Commander Jing over, and I will dare to do personal identification with him now!

Do you dare to call him? And you, Ms. Shang, you just believe in Jing Xin'er so easily. With a few photos, you ran to someone else's house and asked them to be fair to you!

What justice can I give you? "

"Yes, yes, a paternity test can detect if it is a biological child!"

"I was almost fooled by this girl. Su Mian was right. I went for the appraisal. What's the matter with a few photos?"

"No, I heard that when I go to a big hospital, the results of the examination will come out within a few days!"

The expression on Shang Guilan's face is a bit uncontrollable!

She did believe her daughter a little bit credulously.

She heard Jing Xiangqiu talk about what DNA test is called, and the military area hospital has done two cases last year.

Why did she forget this!

For a while, Shang Guilan was a little confused again.

Jing Xin'er bit her lip, the expression on her face was shocked and angry.

This Su Mian is really clever, in front of so many relatives, friends and comrades-in-arms.

Su Mian actually said that she dared to do personal identification with Jing Liangping!


There is no shame at all! ! !

I'm so embarrassed to care about her support and mental expenses!

Of course she would not agree to do a paternity test.

The appraisal means that his dad must recognize Su Mian and Su Jinlong.

This is not what she wants to see!

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