Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2021: Special Forces to understand

Of course, the special forces of the Northern Military Region... he didn't want to go back again.

Su Mian has been selected for the special team, he naturally wants to go to the special team, and he is indeed competent with his abilities.

Xu Haowen also didn't know his feelings for Su Mian.

For countless nights, I had clearly told myself to let go, and when I woke up early the next morning, I wanted to be close to her very much.

In the past 25 years, Xu Haowen can be said to have done everything step by step, following the life trajectory he designed.

The appearance of Su Mian made him make exceptions again and again.

Make an exception to go to the special forces of the Northern Military Region, and now want to join the special forces.

He must be crazy!

That woman is a fatal attraction to him.

Even if he knew that there would be no waves between him and her, he still wanted to get closer like a moth to a fire.

Xu Haowen squinted the eyes of the fox, and instantly understood his heart. Even if he was asked to choose again, he would still choose to guard Su Mian.

"Commander Jing, what's your opinion?"

Jing Liangping pursed his lips.

Everyone said that Xu Shen was an exhaustive plan. Sure enough, he wanted to dig this person. It was really hard to dig. He just didn't know what he cared about?

Chief Xu’s eldest grandson has been living a lavish life since he was a child. What does he need?

Jing Liangping did not answer his question directly, but helped him analyze it, "The Northern Military Region performed well in this special forces contest. More than 10 people have joined the special forces, and more than 10 people have entered the reserve team. Strong soldiers. If you can all be picked away, it's meaningless for you to stay!"

Xu Haowen glanced at Jing Liangping, "So, where am I going?"

Ha ha!

Jing Liangping laughed twice.

Talk to smart people without talking nonsense!

"Go to me!"

Xu Haowen squinted his eyes, "I have been in the Southern Military Region for a few years, and I don't think there is a suitable location for me!"

Crazy enough!

His brother-in-law Lu An was right that this kid had never paid attention to the Southern Military Region.

"Then are you going?"

"Don't go!" Xu Haowen said calmly. He wants to join the special forces now, except for the special forces, he won't go anywhere!

"Do you know where I am?"

"Where else can it be?"

What could it be, Jing Liangping smiled unkindly, "The Special Forces, find out!"

"Huh?" Xu Haowen's tone increased by an octave. "You said you are now in charge of the special forces? Isn't it the Southern Military Region?"

"A new order from the military department!" Sure enough, this kid cares about the special forces, but Jing Liangping is ready to say something, "As long as you promise..."

"I go!"


Not to mention Jing Liangping was stunned, the guards standing not far away were all taken aback.

On the way here, Commander Jing was so worried that he didn't think about it, but Xu Shenjun agreed with the sentence of the special team!

Is this the Xu Fox he knew?

Jing Liangping rubbed his hands with excitement, "Are you sure you are going to the special force? I am a newly formed special force. They are all new special forces selected by several military districts. They have no experience, and some are courage and passion..."

"Commander Jing, I'll go!"

Jing Liangping waved his hand, and the guard immediately handed over a document, "You sign first, and I will apply for a transfer order for you tomorrow!"

How does Xu Haowen feel that he has been calculated this time!

"Report!" A little soldier hurried over in the distance, "Chief, a **** named Shang Guilan is looking for you!"

"Where is she?"

"Just at the gate!"

After Xu Haowen signed, Jing Liangping left in a hurry.

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