The male soldier wailed for a while.

"People are still on vacation, they are here to attend the wedding, not to save people!"

"It's not good to save someone, save Jing Xin'er. I am annoyed to look at her, so I just let her suffer a bit, and she will be arrogant in the future!"

"That is, deserve it, the wicked always have the wicked to grind!"

"But, why are we going to save her!"

Although everyone was squeaky and crooked, half an hour later, a military vehicle sent from a resident near Baixian arrived in Xingcun. A dozen special forces were still ready to go and quickly boarded and left.

The male soldiers are gone, and the female soldiers' hearts are also gone, worrying about the safety of their mission.

Wei Zhenhui didn't elaborate, only that it might have been done by the Shanri organization.

Su Mian thought about it carefully, and the Shanri organization did have this motive.

The Cyclops were arrested and they desperately wanted to be rescued.

How to save it?

Naturally, one life is exchanged for another life. Jing Xin'er is the daughter of Commander Jing and belongs to Jing's family. It is enough to exchange her life for the one-eyed dragon.

On the other hand, Su Mian was worried that if Jing Xin'er had just been vaccinated, the Shanri organization would make a fuss about it.

"Sister-in-law, what do you think? My brother is fine!" Wei Min only thought that Su Mian was worried about Wei Zhenhui.

Su Mian smiled, "I know. I'm just thinking, why didn't Teacher Xie call Political Commissar Wu over? Only Wei Zhenhui is called, I don't accept it!"

Wei Min just quit, "Sister-in-law, you are too unkind. I will get married tomorrow!"

Su Mian squeezed sister-in-law's face, "The medicine you asked me to prescribe to Political Commissar Wu last time, does it work?"

"Sister-in-law!" Wei Min stamped his feet, then turned and ran.

Luo Fang still don't know what's going on, "What's wrong with Wei Min, what's your blushing? Su Mian, what medicine did you prescribe for Political Commissar Wu?"

Xu Shilan craned her neck and asked, "It won't be... hehe... strong yang!"

Wei Min heard that he was running faster!

Su family.

Because Su Jinlong had a high fever before, Wei Zhenhui didn't let him go on this mission.

"Dad, dad, do you know who my brother-in-law is going to save?"

Su Jianghai heard, "Isn't that the girl named Jing? What's wrong?"

"Dad, this is called evil retribution. You see if she didn't do a good thing, someone will take care of her when she turns around!" Su Jinlong said happily, and circled Su Jianghai all afternoon.

This time the father and son are also considered a blessing in disguise. They have experienced the paternity test, and their relationship is closer than before.

Su Jianghai was honest. Although he was dissatisfied with Jing Xin's mother and daughter in his heart, he didn't say anything.

"Dad, why aren't you happy!"

"I'm happy!"

"Dad, no one is there now, you should tell me the truth, the appraisal results have all come out, why don't you look at it?" Su Jinlong was still thinking about it.

Su Jianghai looked up and Su Jinlong was looking at him with big sharp eyes.

He understands his son.

Regardless of Su Jinlong's usual carelessness, no one can fix the muscles of this child.

"Xiaolong, Dad didn't look at it. I tore it in front of you, just because I was afraid of a pimple in your heart. Now there is no outsider, and Dad tells you the truth. With this illness, Dad is scared to death. You and your sister are both dads. It’s the lifeblood of my life, and it doesn’t matter to Dad. Besides, Dad also believes in your mother and won’t do anything sorry to me!"


Su Jinlong stared with wide-eyed eyes, he hehe and he happily said, "Dad, to be honest, you tore the result, I am so happy! My sister is right, you are a momentary obsession, when you understand it, you will know mine!"

"Xiao Mian said I'm crazy about my heart?"

"Well, what's up, dad, aren't you?"



Su Jianghai whispered, "How can anyone say that to his father?"

He Qin cooked the food and brought it to the table, just in time to hear Su Jianghai's words, "Look at what you did, saying that you are all lighthearted!"

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