The second battalion commander slapped the first battalion commander's elbow. "The commander just finished going to the toilet, so my sister-in-law must think he smells bad!"


Wei Zhenhui walked to the car, and the two battalion commanders were still discussing.

"Do you want to stay in another military area?"

"No, teacher, we are just curious, why didn't my sister-in-law send you off today? Every time you leave, don't you two get bored? Suddenly so deserted, I am a little uncomfortable!"

"I will arrive at the place tomorrow morning, 10 kilometers directly after getting off the car!" Wei Zhenhui finished speaking and got into the jeep.

A battalion commander shrugged his shoulders, "I have kept people from telling the truth these years!"

Before Wei Zhenhui left, he handed over the purchase of the house to the remaining brothers, and Su Mian helped the staff.

After watching it for two days, I didn't see the right one. Su Mian hadn't found it before. Wei Zhenming was just a mother.

It’s too far away from the city, and the house price is too high when it’s near. The problem is that he didn't let him pay. What is he hypocritical?

Is the house price now called high?

Wouldn't he be scared to death when he saw the future generations!

Jiang Yi happily said, "Sister-in-law, haven't you found it yet? Zhenming wants to buy it next to Su's house!"

Su Mian took a sip of water, "I can see it, is there a problem?"

Su Mian has posted small advertisements everywhere in the community and has left phone calls.

As a result, someone really contacted that afternoon.

The villa was not far behind Su Mian. It was just renovated and didn't live much. Su Mian led Jiang Yi and Wei Zhenming to see it.

The landlord is a young guy, handsome and very talkative.

The decoration style of the house is very fashionable, even if it is put into later generations, it will not be outdated.

Su Mian recognized it at a glance, "Qi Bowen designed it?"

The young man's eyes lit up and his eyebrows curled, "Oh, the beautiful sister is really discerning. This house is designed by Master Qi. How do you know him? It seems that we are really fate. My name is Jing Feiyang, and this is my business card! "

"Your last name is Jing?"

Upon hearing the surname Jing, Su Mian almost staggered and lost his feet.

He raised his head and looked over carefully. This doesn't matter. The landlord looked familiar, "Who is Jing Feihong?"

"Ah, pretty sister, you still know my cousin, I am his cousin!"


Su Mian was very satisfied with the house, but now he has no interest in it.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Yi and Wei Zhenming, "No more, let's look elsewhere?"

"Don’t, sister-in-law, I think this house is very good. I like this decoration style. Brother Jing, you are not from the north? Why would you buy a house here? You see that you and my sister-in-law know so many people. fold."


Su Mian stroked her forehead, she was really speechless.

How do you feel that Jing's family is still in the shadows!

After that, Su Mian didn't speak any more, it was Jiang Yi and Wei Zhenming talking, and the result was really settled, and the formalities will be completed these few days.

"Why doesn't the pretty sister speak? Are you dissatisfied with the house? Take a look, I gave away the decoration and furniture for free. Absolute people can live there and there is no need to clean up!

Also, take care of the fruit trees in front of the yard, and water the garden behind the yard on time..."

Su Mian ignored him.

Just a word of tuberculosis!

Su Mian did not participate in the formalities, she was only responsible for the final payment.

In the past two days, He Qin and Su Jianghai have also returned to the provincial capital.

Business here is inseparable from people, especially Su Jianghai's Furniture City. There are already several big orders waiting for him to make his decision.

Su Mian has been traveling around the provincial capital in the past two days, trying to find a suitable business for Zhang Jie, but has never found a suitable one.

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