Recently, terrorist activities have been unusually frequent in Province X, which has attracted Wei Zhenhui's attention.

According to the information obtained before, he quickly cast a net across the province and captured a large number of agents who secretly surveyed and mapped on the grounds of tourism and buying and selling equipment.

"Okay, I'm going now!" Wei Zhenhui got up and went to the conference room. Today, the division held a meeting to discuss the next battle plan.

The meeting room is indeed very lively.

"Why isn't Master Wei coming yet? He's not too old and has a big shelf!"

"Who makes the background hard enough? If you have a grandfather who is the chief, you can also walk sideways!"

"Lao Tzu is relying on Grandpa, I am covered with military medals all over my body, and it is a man who speaks with military medals!"

Someone laughed and said, "Head Xia, your military medal was kissed by your daughter-in-law!"

"You fart!"

Then came a burst of laughter.

When Wei Zhenhui strode in and the meteor came in, the group of talents shut their mouths.

Some people have not held back their smiles, lowered their heads and kept shrugging their shoulders.

Commander Xia was originally the most promising candidate to compete for the commander, but Wei Zhenhui was parachuted by the air.

It's strange that he can be convinced!

As for the other combat staff, they all came from the southern battle, and the injuries on their bodies were indeed as they said. They were all military medals.

Therefore, the **** men of Division 61 can't control them!

That's how the former division commander was run away by them.

Although Wei Zhenhui had also participated in the southern battle, after all, his time was short, and he was indeed relatively junior in front of them.

Wei Zhenhui walked into the meeting room, his narrow eyes swept sharply, and finally locked Xia Zhixing on him, and then walked towards him.

Stand still in front of him.

Wei Zhenhui is nearly 1.9 meters tall, a full head taller than Xia Zhixing.

Xia Zhixing raised his head and met Wei Zhenhui's eyes without fear.

What's the matter?

Did he dare to beat Laozi?

Wei Zhenhui tossed his lips gently, and then hulled away the military lining of his jacket, and the buttons snapped to the floor.

Xia Zhixing was startled, and unconsciously took a step back.

He is ready for defense. If Wei Zhenhui dares to attack him, his fists are not vegetarian!

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhenhui tore his clothes apart!

The entire conference room is so quiet that you can hear the needle drop on the floor!

Then there were bursts of air-conditioned sounds!

What catches the eye is that the man's steel body and perfect eight-pack abs, his heart is actually marked by seven or eight bullets, and the scar from the last operation is still there!

This is too dangerous!

"I heard that the wife of the demon king personally directed this operation. The operation was extremely difficult. Professor Du and Professor Jin from the military region personally took charge of the operation!"

"My God, I heard that the Great Demon King got down from the battlefield and got four bullets. His life was hanging by a thread. It turned out to be true!"

"Nonsense, where are the bullet marks, are they fake?"

Xia Zhixing only glanced, then looked away.

He didn't expect Wei Zhenhui to have more scars than his!

When a group of people just talked about Wei Zhenhui, they were disdainful and ridiculed. This would turn their mouths into an O shape and could not say a word.

They only thought that the Great Demon King relied on Chief Jiang to be on top. They didn't expect that he had more military medals than all of them combined.

The problem is that this is only the front, the back, and the lower body, as long as they are added, I am afraid that there will be more than anyone present!

Everyone stopped talking, Wei Zhenhui gathered his clothes together, and said faintly, "Meeting!"

Then I flipped through the notebooks below, peeling off the sound of the pen.

The original thorns are all the same as elementary school students.

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