As soon as Xia Zhixing spoke, the other four heads began to wink their eyebrows, resisting a laugh.

"Look, the show is coming!"

"Ready to watch the show!"

"Head Xia is getting dark, I don't know who is unlucky today?"


"Commander Jing, it's boring to see the content of the scheduled subjects. Why don't we order a few people to practice. You will only start to organize. We will also have training sessions below, so we won't delay you too much time!"

Xia Zhixing had an expression that was entirely for the special team's sake. People who didn't know him would really be moved by his sincere and considerate expression.

The other four heads couldn't hold back anymore.

Comrade Xia can really **** pretend!

Don't pretend to die!

I have bad water in my stomach, I really thought that others didn't know it!

It didn't take advantage of Wei Zhenhui, and this time 80% of it had to be found on his wife.

Commander Xia's sight was aimed at Su Mian several times.

Looking at Master Wei again, he didn't say a word, his expression was faint, as if he didn't put Xia Zhixing in his eyes at all.

Little did he know that the more he was like this, the more irritated Xia Zhixing was.

The special forces team members were obviously taken aback. They had prepared several team projects. This commander Xia actually wanted to order!

Why don't you play cards according to common sense?

Jing Liangping turned and looked at them. He knew the military qualities of this group of team members, and everyone could be on their own.

Therefore, he is not afraid!

"Commander Xia, it's up to you!" Since Xia Zhixing wants to play a bit more exciting, let him see the strength of the special team.

Xia Zhixing's lips twitched, and he knew that in front of so many people, Wei Zhenhui would not stop it, and Jing Liangping would definitely agree!

"You, get out!" Xia Zhixing reached out and pointed to Su Mian!

Su Mian did not expect that he was the first to be tapped, and took three steps forward, "Please give instructions from the chief!"

The four heads could no longer control themselves, and laughed lowly.

"Head Xia is really unkind, bullying the little girl!"

"Who made her the wife of the Great Demon King, Commander Xia, this is the heart of Sima Zhao!"

"If you can't do the big devil, you can only clean up his daughter-in-law!"


Su Mian heard the words of a few people, although he didn't understand the specific reasons, but the head of Xia must have had a holiday with Wei Zhenhui.

That's why she ordered her.

Xia Zhixing looked at Su Mian a few times. The little girl was really good-looking. She shouldn't be the wife of the Great Devil, so don't blame him for having black hands!

"You change your gun with her!"


Xia Zhixing pointed to Xu Shilan next to Su Mian, "Assuming that your gun can no longer be used on the battlefield, now you have to use your comrade's gun to complete the sniper mission!"


Su Mian walked to Xu Shilan and exchanged guns.

The four heads opened their mouths into O-shapes, "Head Xia is a bit too much, just click on it, and let people change their guns. The snipers don't need their own guns, that's a blind fight!"

"Lao Xia is indeed a bit past, even if Su Mian is the number one sniper, he wouldn't bring such a play!"

"That is, everyone has a different habit of using guns. I have seen people who specifically correct the trajectory to prevent them from being used directly on the battlefield after being obtained by the enemy!"

Xia Zhixing glanced at Wei Zhenhui again, this kid was still expressionless, very good!

He will see today, how far Wei Zhenhui can endure!

Su Mian made preparations, stood with his gun, and said without arrogance or arrogance, "Please give instructions from the chief!"

No matter how slow she reacted, she could also see that Xia Zhixing was deliberately correcting her.

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