Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2093: Send your mother home

The poisonous snake took a sip of the red wine, don't give a deep look at the poisonous dragon.

"You were taught by me. I understand your thoughts. Work hard. Don't even think about going back to China. If you want that woman, I will get her for you!"

"do not!"

Dulong's hand holding the wine glass visibly shook, "Boss, I'll follow you, don't move her!"

Ha ha!

The poisonous snake laughed, "I don't see it, you are still a lover. It's a pity that the woman wants to climb Gaozhi, you are destined to have no fate with her. There will be good girls in the future, I will introduce you to them!"

Dulong did not speak, lowered his eyes and nodded, his other hand clenched into a fist.

The snake was right. Although Bai Dandan had him in his heart, he always wanted to marry and enter the military district compound.

He didn't want to wrong her, as long as she liked it.

And when he returned to the poisonous snake, he was destined to be no longer possible with Bai Dandan.

The eyes of the poisonous dragon flickered, and finally made a decision, "Boss, I will be loyal to you, and please fulfill your promise and send my mother back to my hometown!"

This is her mother's last wish, and he must fulfill it.

"Well, after this mission, I will find someone to send her back to China!"

The viper's thumb rubbed the goblet, his movements were gentle, and his eyes were sentimental. His eyes were so gentle as if the glass was his lover.

However, everyone in the Shanri organization knew that the Viper had never married, and there was not even a woman around him.

How is the look in the viper's eyes a bit familiar!

Suddenly, an inexplicable emotion surged into my heart, and the poisonous dragon wanted to catch it, but it quickly dissipated.

"What do you look at me? Don't believe me?"

Dulong hurriedly looked away, ", the boss said nothing, I'm just a little surprised!"

The poisonous snake drank another sip of red wine, "You must pay attention to your safety in the action three days later, and come back alive to see me, otherwise, your mother will stay here forever!"


It was another strange feeling. From the tone of the poisonous snake, the poisonous dragon could feel that the poisonous snake didn't want him to die, and even hoped that he was alive very much.

"You are the best sniper in the world today. I have great use for keeping you!" The Viper stood up and walked towards the Cyclops.

All the thoughts of the poisonous dragon were instantly crushed by the poisonous snake's words.


He is the best sniper in the entire world. How could the Viper easily give up on him? How could he be willing to die.

Dulong smiled bitterly.

"Big Brother!" The Cyclops was about to find a chance to get away, and when he saw the poisonous snake coming, he stood up.

The brothers walked to no one's corner.

"Brother, why do you have to go to the poisonous dragon in this operation? He is not as a sniper. What is the use of letting him go?"

Had it not been for Dulong's rescue of Cyclops last time, Cyclops had even greater opinions.

No matter what is important, the eldest brother let Dulong kick in, making it like his own son.

The viper's complexion sank, and the temper of Cyclops just doesn't have a long memory.

"Don't be impulsive about doing big things, how many times have I told you! Last time you insisted on going your own way and had to go out in person. What happened? You caught the big devil alive! If it weren't for the poisonous dragon, you are still in the prison of Hua Guo!"

"Okay, brother, I know!" Cyclops perfunctorily impatiently.

"You know what a fart!" The viper snapped the cup in his hand to the ground, and the cyclops were startled.

"Big...Big brother..."

"Second brother, we three brothers and sisters depend on each other for our lives. You and I have been born and died for many years. I don't want you to have something wrong, but your angry temper must be changed. If you don't change it, you will die sooner or later!"

"Yes, big brother, I know." The poisonous snake got angry, and the cyclops became obedient in a second!

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