The Cyclops poked his head out of the car, complacent about his brilliant calculations.

What happened when the special forces came, he made a stand-in, and he couldn't see it from a distance.

Now let's see how the special forces start.

He knows the style of those in the special forces, he is not sure about the target and will not start easily.

What's more, there are international mercenaries he hired at a high price on the top of the mountain, the international killer old A!

The old A is the ace figure in the killer world in recent years, except for that person of course.

As long as he goes out in person, there is no mission impossible.

Cyclops just poked his head out of the car!


Three shots were fired, followed by another bang!

Two cyclops fell to the ground at the same time!

The real Cyclops fell under the car door and shot through the temple.

He never looked down until he died.

When the cyclops died, there was chaos below the valley.

Zhao Long was leading the people and was about to rush up to encircle and suppress, but was directly suppressed by the fire on the opposite mountainside.

The number of opponents was several times that of Zhao Long, and Zhao Long and his special forces were instantly suppressed by fire.

In this type of team battle, special forces do not have the upper hand, not to mention their small numbers.

Zhao Long secretly said that it is not good, this is a bad ambush, then Huo Jingrun is in danger.

The squad sent to rescue Huo Jingrun was also suppressed by fire, and it was impossible to move, let alone rescue people!

The Cyclops came prepared this time and brought enough firepower to wipe out the special forces and special forces!

However, before he saw the result of the battle, he died first.

Luo Xingwang's office.

"Sergeant Luo? I'm a poisonous snake!"

"Viper? What's the matter with you?"

The poisonous snake laughed, "Of course I am reporting the funeral to you. We have known that Huo Jingrun is an undercover agent. What is the plan to lead the snake out of the cave this time? Your good son-in-law may not be able to go back!"

" know it!"

...Beep, the other party hung up the phone.

"Attention to all the Flying Eagle Special Forces, now go to support Captain Zhao and destroy the opposing machine gunner and fire control points!"




Except for Su Mian and Luo Fang's response, Xu Haowen's heart sank.

Su Mian and Luo Fang are afraid...

On the other side, Dulong turned the tide and gathered the rest of the people together.

Several people surrounded Huo Jingrun, "Water snake, you seem to have run in the opposite direction. There is the Chinese Special Forces!"

After Dulong finished speaking, he slapped a shot, hitting Huo Jingrun's left chest, and blood suddenly poured out from his chest and mouth.

"Poison Dragon, I just want to...want to go..."

"Want to return to China? Next life!" After speaking, another shot was fired. At this moment, a figure flashed over and stood in front of Huo Jingrun.

The bullet was hitting her heart.

Everyone looked intently, and everyone was dumbfounded by Miss Jasmine.


Dulong did not expect that Jasmine would suddenly rush over.

"Poison Dragon, if you dare to kill him, kill me first and let him go, otherwise I will die in front of you now!" Jasmine exhausted her last effort to say this, and then pointed her pistol to her temple.

Huo Jingrun hugged her, "You already know, why are you still so stupid?"

"Because I love you, I can die for you!"

Jasmine tried to laugh, and blood flowed down the corners of Jasmine's lips.

She lay in his arms, reassuring her never before, "Run, I want you to remember me forever, when I die, there will be no Jasmine, and no one will treat you better than me!"

"Why bother!" Everything is a scam!

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