Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2116: Reunite with daughter-in-law

Zhao Long:...

"Daughter-in-law, if you do this again, your man will be yangwei by you sooner or later!"

In this world, Zhao Long is not afraid of his own father, but Luo Fang's father!

Conference room of the Western Military Region.

After Wei Zhenhui took care of these thorns, they were much more honest now.

Xia Zhixing stayed in the special forces for three days last time. The one that was cleaned up was a miserable one. Now he is still pulling his hips while walking!

The four regiment leaders knew him from afar when they saw a personal shadow. After all, there was no second person in the military area like him, with one leg behind him when he walked.

"Commander Xia has been cleaned up now. I went to the military area hospital that day. The military doctor told the truth that Commander Xia had a torn ligament. It was because the training intensity was not enough, and he had to compete with the wolf cubs of the special team. I got hurt by myself!"

"Head Xia was also a good hand when he was young, and he has grown older these two years!"

"As long as you are old, you can do what people should do. It's fine now. The entire military area knows that he went to the special forces to kick the hall and kicked the south wall!"


"Shhh, keep your voice down, Commander Xia is also very pitiful, he is still being taken care of by a junior at his age!"

"It's pitiful. Master Wei is there. You don't have to look at how many things you have done in the past two months. The military has called us three times to praise us by name!"

This is true.

Immediately after arriving in the conference room, several people shut their mouths.

In the conference room, officers at the divisional level and above were all present. Seeing Xia Zhi walking through the door, they all suppressed a laugh, almost suppressing internal injuries.

Xia Zhixing's face was cold, and sooner or later he had to find this tone from Wei Zhenhui.

After he came back, he finally realized that Su Mian and the others must have deliberately punished him!

The first battalion commander looked at his watch, and then at Wei Zhenhui from the crack of the door, "Second battalion commander, the commander forgot the time again, go and remind you!"

The second battalion commander rolled his eyes and said, "Go to yourself, let me go every time this kind of thing, the commander is annoying me now!"

A battalion commander covered his mouth and smiled secretly, then said mysteriously, "This time is different!"

"Really, what's the difference this time?" The second battalion commander naturally lowered his voice.

"Are you stupid, thinking that after falling in love with Xiao Yu, your EQ will improve. My sister-in-law arrived at night, and the teacher moved all the afternoon meetings to the morning."


The commander of the second battalion then realized, "The emotional teacher wants his sister-in-law to forget the time!" He thought it was because of work and sleeplessness!

A battalion commander gave him a thumbs up, "Your savvy...yes! So, you should hurry up to remind the teacher, it's too late to go for a while, Xia Zhixing should be faulty again!"

The second battalion commander pushed the door and went in, "Master..."

As soon as he spoke, he saw Wei Zhenhui closing his eyes in a chair to rest up his mind. The teacher was really thinking about his sister-in-law!

I think other people have never thought so fascinated before. Then he took a deep breath, picked up his hat, got up and strode out of the office.

"The teacher hasn't come yet? There will be a meeting right away. If he doesn't come, how will this happen?"

"Oh, Master Wei is afraid that his thoughts have flown to his daughter-in-law early, so I don't even have the mind to hold meetings. I heard that Su Mian is coming to our military area to teach snipers!"

"No wonder, Master Wei moved the afternoon meeting to the morning. This is to be reunited with his wife!"

Several people were joking, but some were serious and listened.

When Xia Zhixing heard that Su Mian was about to give a lecture, his whole body immediately became energetic.

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