Looking up, Wei Zhenhui, Su Mian and Luo Fang were standing at the door.

Wei Zhenhui's dark eyes glowed with chills, which made people shudder.

A battalion commander stood up immediately, waiting for a flash, the commander...heard?

You can't practice him to death that night!

"One battalion commander, you will hand in a 5000-word thought report tomorrow morning!" Wei Zhenhui said coolly, ignoring the begging eyes of a battalion commander.

5000 words?

One battalion commander and the first two are big.

With his level of education, a thousand words would cost him his life, and his 5,000 words would have to die several times.

"Master, you should practice me at night. You can practice whatever you want. Don't punish me for writing!"

Several soldiers booed next to him.

"A battalion commander, didn't you mean that the teacher and his sister-in-law would sleep, and the punishment would be halved the next day?"

"Slap on the face, on the face with strength, a battalion commander, you have doubled this five times, how can I let my brothers believe you in the future!"

Battalion Commander: ...! ! !

This time Su Mian mainly explained the process of playing against old A.

The development of snipers in the entire world has happened in recent years. At that time, during the National War of Independence, a major used guns and bullets wrapped in grease soaked in deerskin. The accuracy of the long-distance made country Y frightened. .

So countries began to pay attention to the importance of snipers.

Wei Zhenhui was originally just forming a special force. After he had memories of his past life, he took the sniper as an important aspect of individual training.

What Su Mian knew was also what Wei Zhenhui talked about with her. As for tactics, Su Mian summarized a few things.

Those who participated in the training were all top soldiers, special forces, and snipers from the Western Military Region.

Su Mian sorted out three tactics during the duel with old A.

One is to wait for the rabbit.

This is the most commonly used method in sniper tactics, and it is also the tactic that every sniper uses the most.

This method is very simple. Choose a position with an effective range from the target. The position is not only concealed, but also mixed with other ground objects, and has a good view. Use discovery and sniper targets.

The second type is called false and true.

Both the second child and Su Mian used their helmets to lure the opposing sniper to reveal their position.

The third type is called two birds with one stone.

It was the last critical moment, the tactics used by old A were counter-sniped by Su Mian.

Su Mian pretended to be hit by old A. The moment old A raised his gun to sniper Luo Fang, Su Mian shot him to the point.

This method is suitable for dealing with situations where there are two opponents and one person on your own.

Sniper tactics are still just starting in China, but Old A is an international mercenary, and he was born in a nobleman of O Continent. He has been trained and trained as a sniper since he was a child.

He has so many ways!

"So, in the actual sniper process, tactics are dead, and we must have basic skills, such as equipment operation and use, field survival, map research and judgment, intelligence analysis and interpretation, booby mine erection, etc.. Sniping is an art, we have to There is still a lot to learn."

After Su Mian finished speaking, there was thunderous applause.

After all, there is a gap between the tactics that I usually learn and the actual combat. After hearing Su Mian's talk, all of them were extremely excited.

"Lieutenant Su is awesome, an eye-opener!"

"Wipe, it turns out that the sniper is so tall, I thought it would be fine!"

"Nonsense, Lieutenant Su is a special force or a sniper in the special force. Can others be like us?"


Xia Zhixing snorted coldly.

"It's just that the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, so I'll bully her!"


The commanders swallowed a few saliva, "Commander Xia, you haven't been cleaned up yet!"

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