"Head, is there really a ghost among us, otherwise how did they know that we are out on patrol today?" a head asked.

Xia Zhixing's face was sullen and did not answer immediately.

In fact, the answer is already obvious.

The other party must get the news in advance.

This patrol was made by Xia Zhixing temporarily, and only a few people in the division knew about it.

"Well, I will report to the teacher immediately when I go back." Xia Zhixing said dullly, and he owed Wei Zhenhui a word of sorry.

If it were not for him to go his own way, it was not for him to despise the enemy, if he could carefully consider Wei Zhenhui, it would not be the result it is now.

Now it's too late to say anything, whether they can go back or not is all a question.

There was only one bullet left in everyone's gun.

He was wondering whether this bullet was for himself or for the next enemy who rushed in.

"Head, my last bullet is for bad guys!"

"Head, I'm not afraid of being captured. Before I die, it's worth killing one of them!"

"Head, if anyone on a horse dares to rush over, I will bite and kill him!"

Xia Zhixing led the people in a tenacious resistance in the cave, and was attacked more fiercely by the enemy.

The opponent even transferred two machine gunners.

Xia Zhixing was shot again, but he still missed the line.

For 10 people, his marksmanship is the best, not to mention he is the commander, he can't fall.

"Boss, our people have suffered heavy losses. I called two machine gunners and fucked!"

The man called the boss is five big and three thick, with a beard, "Good job. Today we kill the surname Xia, Wei Zhenhui's situation in the 61st division will be even more difficult. The people below will come together with grievances, and no one can cover him. ."

The younger brother beside him chuckled, "Boss, this trick kills two birds with one stone, this is high. Wei Zhenhui can't stay, no one will dare to care about our affairs in the future!"

"Quick battle and quick decision, attack me, at any cost, I only want the life of Xia!"

"Okay. The order goes on, the boss said, at all costs, as long as the surname is Xia's life."

The two guns were like two tongues of flame, raging wildly.

The stone wall at the entrance of the cave was punched with a big gap in an instant.

Only one-third of the stone wall that could be covered was now left, and Xia Zhixing and his soldiers hid behind the stone wall that was less than one meter wide.

"Boom hard for me, and fight for another ten minutes. When the stone wall at the entrance of the cave falls, Xia Zhixing and his people will go to see Wangye Yan!"

"Report to the commander, the emergency assembly has been completed. There are 30 special forces, and there are actually 25!" A battalion commander saluted Wei Zhenhui. "The remaining 5 people were taken away by Commander Xia."

"Okay, board the vehicle, and set off!" Wei Zhenhui gave an order, and 25 special forces boarded the vehicle.

"Report, Special Force Su Mian!"

"Special Team Luo Fang!"

"Request to join the action!"

The two of them got ready to go, ran to Wei Zhenhui and slapped a military salute.

The eyes are firm.

All the special soldiers who were already sitting in the car opened their eyes wide.

"Will the teacher agree that the daughter-in-law will go to battle in person?"

"No way, this is tourism again, this is desperate, you didn't hear the gunshot, it was more violent than the previous teacher experienced!"

"That's right, how can the teacher spoil her daughter-in-law so much?"

Wei Zhenhui's dark eyes circled around the two of them.

A battalion commander reminded in a low voice, "Commander, judging by the gunfire, the opponent is not only a machine gunner, but also a sniper. The total number is between 30 and 40!"

After he raised his eyebrows towards Su Mian and Luo Fang, he could only help here, and the decision was up to the teacher.

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